How To Add FAQs

How To Add FAQs

How To Add Or Edit FAQs

If you use FAQs on your website, here are instructions on how to add or edit them.

After logging into your site:

  1. Select FAQs from your dashboard.
  2. You can edit current FAQs by selecting "Edit" under the FAQ title.
  3. The title of the FAQ is at the top and the "answer" to the FAQ is in the content box. 
  4. After updating your FAQ, make sure to press the blue "Update" button.
  5. You can add a new FAQ by selecting "Add New" under FAQs in the left side navigation or on the main FAQ page.
  6. Add your FAQ title and then the "answer" goes in the content box below.
  7. You can choose the category the new FAQ belongs to, if desired, by selecting one of the available ones from the right "FAQ Category" box below the blue "publish" button. You do not have to choose a category. 
  8. When completed, press the blue "publish" button on the right.
  9. If you want to edit or add new categories, on the left side navigation, under FAQs, select "FAQ category"
  10. Enter the title of your FAQ category (such as Locations, Business Hours, Dog Policy)
  11. In the "slug" field, type the same thing you used for the title, but lowercase (such as locations, business hours, dog policy). 
  12. You can choose a "parent category" that your new category is apart of by selecting the "parent category" drop-down menu.
  13. When completed, press the blue "Add New FAQ Category" button.
  14. You can also edit current beer categories by selecting "edit" under the title of the Category title.
  15. When editing the title of the category, make sure to change the slug as well (with lowercase). 
  16. When completed, press the blue "update" button.

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