How To Use The Tab Management Tool

How To Use The Tab Management Tool

What Is The Tab Management Tool?

The Tab Management Tool lives in Arryved Portal and can be used to close, comp, or void an individual tab, rollover a tab to the current day, or keep a tab open indefinitely. The Tool can also be used to Bulk Close the list of tabs left open at the end of the night and add a blanket gratuity. This is most helpful for establishments using Arryved’s OpenTab, where self-ordering guests often forget to close their own tabs before leaving. 


  • To access the Tab Management Tool in Arryved Portal, an employee must be a Super Admin or an Admin with either the ALL ACCESS or TAB MANAGEMENT TOOL Portal Permission.


  • The Tab Management Tool can be used to close a tab with a card on file at a later date, however, there is no guarantee that the card on file will have sufficient funds at that time. 

  • Be mindful of charging cards from a long time ago, this may lead to a confusing charge on the guest’s bank statement and possible chargeback risks.

  • If using the Tool in the current day, be careful not to close or manipulate any active tabs of guests that may still be in your establishment. 

  • If there are no open tabs from the date or time range searched, the Tool will not be accessible. 

  • Using the Keep Open function will show an indicator on the tab in Arryved Service to “keep open”, but there is nothing else blocking an employee from closing that tab at any time.

  • Using the Comp button will comp the entire tab at 100% and close it out, regardless of the value of the Comp Type selected. 

  • The Comp button will always close the tab. 

  • When using Bulk Close, a record of that action will appear to the right. If you leave the page and go back to it or refresh it, the record will not be visible again.

  • If you apply another Bulk Close action, it will erase the previous record and display the new one. 

  • There will not be a record of Void, Comp, or To Today actions. Keep Open actions will apply “(keep open)” next to the tab name on the chart. 

How It Works

The Tab Management Tool is used to search for tabs that are still open. Open tabs can be comped, voided, intentionally left open, or closed with the card on file. 

  • Head to your Arryved Portal.

  • From the left navigation menu, click Operations.

  • Click Tab Management. 

  • Use the calendars to search for a range of days to view the report. 

  • Click Search

Chart Of Tabs

Once the search is complete, there will be a chart that appears with a list of open tabs and information about them. 

Has Payment(s): This column will show yes if there were any partial payment(s) made and there is still an open balance on the tab. The column will show no if there were no payments made so far. 

Has Card On File: This column will show yes if there is a card on file for this tab. That card can be charged using the Bulk Close function. The column will show no if there is no card on file. If no card is on file, the tab will need to be Comped, Voided, or left open. 

Bulk Close Tabs

  1. Use the checkboxes to the left of the tab names to select tabs. Check the box next to the Tab Name column header to select all the tabs on the list at once. 

  2. The Bulk Close Tabs window will appear above. 

    • You can use this to close a single tab as well.

    • You cannot use this function for tabs with no card on file.

  3. If you would like to add a blanket gratuity to the tabs, add a percentage value into the box. Leave the box blank for no added gratuity. 

  4. When ready, click Charge Card(s).

  5. Review the tabs you are about to charge from the review window, when confident, click Proceed to finalize. 

    • It may take a few seconds for processing to complete.

Default Tip Percentage

A Portal Super Admin can enter a default tip percentage that will always be added to tabs when a Bulk Close is performed. As a Super Admin, head to Portal -> Location Preferences -> Default Bulk Close Tip Percentage. Add a value next to the preference and click Save. This value will always be present in the Bulk Close Tip % box. 

Bulk Close Record

Once the Bulk Close is performed, a record of that action appears to the right. The record will list the successfully closed tabs and any tabs that failed to close due to absence of a card on file. Please note, this record will disappear once the page is left, refreshed, or another Bulk Close is performed. 

Individual Tab Actions

When a tab is selected from the chart, it will appear below with the action options: Comp, Keep Open, Void, and To Today.  


To the left of the Comp button, there is a dropdown list of your establishment’s Comp Types. Choose one to apply the comp for reporting purposes. Regardless of the Comp Type selected, the comp applied will be 100% and the tab will close out. This is the best way to close a tab that was left open with no card on file. If there is a card on file, no payment will be collected because the tab will be 100% comped. Items from the tab will be depleted from inventory. 

Keep Open 

This will keep the tab open in Arryved Service indefinitely. It can be manually closed at any time, but there will be an indicator labeled “(keep open)” both in Arryved Service and on the chart in the Tab Management Tool. 


This will delete the tab from records, including all sales and inventory records. For example, voiding a tab will not account for inventory changes of the deleted items, or account for the ounces poured in that tab.

To Today

Click the To Today button to move a tab to the present day. In Arryved reporting, the tab's data will be changed to reflect the new date.  

Gut Check!

Any actions that take place here will update in Arryved Service. Check to see if tabs were properly closed, comped, etc. in Arryved Service. 

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