When exporting orders in Metorik, to include Collection times and dates (if you're using "Delivery Slots"/ "Deliveries" in WooCommerce), follow the instructions below.
Please note, your shop might label the "Delivery Slots"/ "Deliveries" something else in checkout for customers besides "Collections" (for example, "Pickup" or something similar). The feature in WooCommerce's backend will still be called "Delivery Slots"/ "Deliveries".
In Metorik, go to "Orders" and apply these filters:
Shipping Method Title - is in - (select which shipping method your Delivery Slots method uses, such as "Pickup")
Order Created - between - (select the dates you'd like orders from)
Order Status - is not in - "Failed" "Cancelled" "Refunded"
The above filters are a template, you might have other filters you'd like to export your orders using. You can export your orders using whatever filters you'd like, just make sure to follow the next step.
Then, press the blue "Export _ orders" button
When the window pops up, select the "All Settings" tab. In the "Include custom fields" tab, type in "jckwds_date" (press enter) and "jckwds_timeslot" (press enter)
Then, go back to the "Export" tab and press the blue "Export" button.
When you open the spreadsheet, scroll all the way over and you will see these two columns:
This shows the Time and Date that your customer has select for their Collection times.
You can double-check on this within WooCommerce. In the order, you will see the Collection Date and Time in the order details: