PCI DSS Compliance Overview (Arryved Pay)

PCI DSS Compliance Overview (Arryved Pay)

What Is PCI DSS Compliance?

PCI DSS Compliance is a security standard mandated by major branded credit card companies to help ensure the security of credit card transactions in the payments industry. When you onboard with Arryved Pay, you’re you’ll need to complete the process to become compliant. This guide shows you how to get started with your Arryved Pay PCI Compliance.  


  • The info in this guide is exclusive to merchants processing on Arryved Pay. 


  • If you fail to become compliant, you’re charged an additional monthly fee until you pass compliance. 

  • Questions and concerns about PCI Compliance are to be handled by the SecurityMetrics support contact provided in your welcome email or this guide. The Arryved Support Team has little power in assisting with PCI Compliance. 

How It Works

Everything Is In The Welcome Email!

7-10 days after your first transaction on Arryved Pay, you’ll receive a welcome email from our PCI DSS partner, SecurityMetrics that’ll include:

  • A link to the PCI DSS portal with login instructions.

  • Instructions to complete your PCI DSS compliance.

  • A contact to reach out to with any questions or concerns. 

Look for the Subject: [Your Brand] PCI Enrollment for [Your Company Name]. 

You'll receive a follow-up email to remind you to complete your PCI Compliance. 
  1. Here's some additional information about the PCI DSS Compliance Program from SecurityMetrics, your PCI partner. 

Not Getting A Welcome Email?

Reach out to SecurityMetrics for assistance:
  1. enroll@securitymetrics.com
  2. 801-705-5700 
SecurityMetrics can't help you enroll without your Arryved Pay MID. Your MID is formatted like this: 
  1. ArryvedPay.[YourCompanyName].[UniqueNumber]. 

Here's how to retrieve it:

Option 1: From MerchantTrack

  1. Log into your MerchantTrack from the left side navigation of your Arryved Portal.
  2. In MerchantTrack, click on your name in the upper right corner.
  3. Then click Profile.
  4. Scroll down to the 'User Merchants' section to find your MID. It will look like this: ArryvedPay.[YourCompanyName].[UniqueNumber]. Ignore the location name to the right of the MID. 

Option 2: From Company Settings In Your Arryved Portal

  1. Log into your Arryved Portal as a Super Admin.
  2. From the left side navigation, click Company Settings.
  3. Click Configuration.
  4. From the company configuration page, click on one of your Company Locations (you may only have one).
  5. Under your 'Payment Processors' list, look for a column labeled 'Connection Id', your Arryved Pay MID will be in this column next to any agent that says 'FULLSTEAM'

Heads up! 

SecurityMetrics may offer you some additional programs and assistance for an extra cost. Please know that these offers are optional. 
  1. Check out the SecurityMetrics PCI Compliance FAQ for more info about what's included versus what's optional for an extra cost.  

Finding your IP Address

When you're working with Security Metrics, they may ask you for your IP Address. Use whatismyip.com to find out what yours is. 

Getting Stuck On These Questions?

When completing the PCI compliance questionnaire, you may get stuck on these particular questions, so we're here to provide the answer for you!

QuestionPlease select your credit card processing method:
Answer: FullsteamPay Hosted Payments

QuestionMobile Device: I process cardholder data using a smartphone or tablet. 
Answer: The swipe equipment I have encrypts at point-of-swipe.

Support Contact

If you need any PCI-support from SecurityMetrics post-enrollment, use the support contacts here for next time:

Email: support@securitymetrics.com

Phone: (801)-995-6855


Please complete your compliance by the deadline provided to avoid a higher monthly fee. Reach out to the Compliance Team with any questions or concerns. Their contact info can be found in your welcome email. 

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