How To Tax Exempt A Tab

How To Tax Exempt A Tab

What Is Tax Exemption?

Most states require sales tax on the sale of goods, but there are many reasons an individual may be exempt from paying said tax. The lucky ones will have a nifty Tax-exemption code they can provide to retailers to avoid paying sales tax. This article shows you how to allow tax exemption on your inventory through your Arryved Portal and how to apply a tax-exemption code to a tab in Arryved Service.


  • You know how to create Item Types in your Arryved Portal.

  • You have a tax-exemption code provided to you by your guest. 


  • Your state and local jurisdiction determine tax-exempt laws. Please consult a local accountant for accurate information on types of goods that allow tax exemptions. Arryved can’t provide advice on this subject. 

How It Works

Tax-exempt Item Types 

When you enter a tax-exemption code to a tab, it will only omit tax from items that are from an Item Type that allows tax exemption. If some Item Types on the tab do not allow tax exemption, tax will still be charged for those items. 

  1. Log into your Arryved Portal.

  2. From the left side navigation, click Inventory.

  3. Click Inventory Settings.

  4. Click Item Types.

  5. Check the Allow tax exempt box next to an Item Type.

  6. Click Save next to that Item Type. 

  7. Repeat for each Item Type needed. Click Save for each one before moving on to the next. 

*Remember that there are legal requirements involved in this process, please consult a local accountant if necessary. 

Tax-exempt A Tab

Here’s how to apply a tax-exemption code to a tab,

  1. Log into Arryved Service.

  2. From the TAB screen, search for a tab and tap Pay

  3. From the Payment Options screen, tap Tax Exempt

Enter the numerical tax-exemption code given to you by the guest and tap Done

Tax will be removed from any items on this tab that allow tax exemption. Item Types that don’t allow tax exemption still apply tax to this tab. 

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