How To Refund Tabs In Arryved Portal

How To Refund Tabs In Arryved Portal

What Is Tab Search?

In your Arryved Portal, Tab Search is your tool for viewing a detailed history of all tabs created through any of your Arryved POS modalities. Tab Search’s main ingredient is its ability to refund tabs that’ve already been processed. Keep reading this article to learn how to perform a refund.


  • To access the Tab Search tool, you must be an Arryved Portal Super Admin or an Admin with the REFUNDS Permission


  • The amount entered for a refund doesn’t consider tax and tip. 

  • Refunding a tab in the Arryved Portal are for tabs that have already been batched (from a previous day) if you need to refund a same-day tab, you can easily do so in Arryved Service by voiding it. 

  • This article only shows you how to process a refund in Tab Search. If you’d like to learn about what Tab Search has to offer, read How To Use Tab Search instead. Refund instructions are included in that article too! 

How It Works

  1. Head to your Arryved Portal.

  2. From the left side navigation, click Operations

  3. Click Tab Search

  4. Use the calendars on the top left to select a range of days to search for the tab you'd like to refund.

  5. Optionally, you can use one of the advanced search fields on the right to narrow your search.

  6. Click Search.

  1. The search results appear in a list below. Tabs are separated by row with detailed information. Be sure you’ve found the correct tab. 

  2. Click the More button.

  1. Next to the Payment Details, click Refund Options

    • If there are multiple partial payments they can be refunded separately but not all at once.

  1. From the window prompt, enter a refund amount in the Cancel Amount field. 

    • The field will be auto-filled with the payment total. 

    • You don’t have to refund the entire amount of the payment made, but the Cancel Amount can’t exceed the payment total.

  2. Enter a Reason to remind yourself later.

  3. Click Process Payment Cancel

  • The Payment Status will change from Captured to Cancelled

  • You can email yourself the receipt and forward it to the guest from your own inbox. Just hit the Email Receipt button. 

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