How To Void Payments In Arryved Service

How To Void Payments In Arryved Service

What Is A Voided Payment?

From time to time, a mistake will be made on a guest’s tab. Best case scenario, you’ve caught the mistake before the guest notices or closes their tab. However, it’s likely that the reconciliation is needed after the guest has paid. Not to worry! You can void a payment through Arryved Service. Voiding a payment reopens the tab and cancels the pending transaction on the guest’s bank account. This article shows you how to void a payment in Arryved Service.


  • To void a payment in Arryved Service, you need to be logged in with the AUTH CANCEL Labor Role Permission. 

  • The tab you are typing to void has been closed out and paid. 


  • A Payment can only be voided in Arryved Service on the same day the payment was taken. If you need to cancel a payment at a later date, you can refund the transactions using Tab Search in Your Arryved Portal or reach out to Arryved Support for assistance. 

  • If you need to void a payment that was paid by gift card, you’ll need to manually add the money back onto the gift card using the Gift Card Tool in your Arryved Portal.

  • When you void a payment, it’ll reopen the tab, but the card information on file will be lost. 

How It Works

To Void A Payment 

  1. Open Arryved Service and log in. 

    • Make sure you are logging in with the AUTH CANCEL Labor Role Permission.

  2. From the TAB screen, tap the OLD button at the bottom of the screen. This will display all closed tabs.

  3. Use the search bar to search for the closed tab you need to void. 

    • You can search by tab name, table number, or unique check #. 

  4. Tap on the tab when you find it.

  5. From the tab’s Running Tab window, tap on the box with the tab’s total in the top left corner. It should say $0.00 since the tab is closed out unless there is still a partial payment open. 

  1. From the Payment Options screen, tap on the Payments button.

  1. Tap Void

    • If there were partial payments made on this tab, you can void each partial payment individually. 

After Voiding A Payment

  • Once the payment has been voided, the tab is now reopened. 

  • If the guest paid by credit or debit card, the pending transaction is canceled.

  • Make the adjustments you need and accept payment again. Or, comp the whole tab if needed. 

Related Articles

How To Use The Gift Card Tool In Arryved Portal

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