Venue Closeout Overview

Venue Closeout Overview

What Is The Venue Closeout Report?

The Venue CO report can be accessed in Arryved Service and shows a breakdown of sales totals from the Venue where the report was printed from. You can use this report to help with your nightly drawer count to close out the day of sales for each Venue. This report is helpful for businesses that want to manage separate cash banks for each of their Venues. 


  • You have at least two different Venues in your location that manage their own cash banks. 

  • The REPORT Labor Role permission is required to view the Venue CO report in Arryved Service.

  • Your starting till balance should be counted and confirmed at the beginning of the shift or day to make the closeout easy and consistent for the closer. 

  • Best practice is to close all necessary tabs in Arryved Service under this Venue before printing the report. Any tabs left open won’t be included in the report.

  • If using paper receipts to collect credit card tips from guests, tips need to be entered via the Individual CO or Tips buttons before printing the report. Any Cash tips you want included in this report must be entered this way as well.


  • Tabs are assigned to a Venue based on which Venue that last order was placed (regardless of where the tab was closed out). Once a tab is closed, you can change the Venue it’s assigned to using Tab Search in your Arryved Portal. 

How It Works

Once tabs are closed, tips are entered, and you’re ready to close out your cash bank for this Venue, 

  1. Log into Arryved Service.

  2. Select the correct Venue from the top left corner. 

  3. Tap STAFF at the top of the screen.

  4. Tap Venue CO in the Closeout section.

  5. The report will automatically print. 

  6. Count your cash drawer. 

  7. Use the Venue CO Report to manage your cash sales drop for that Venue. 


  • The remaining balance should be your intended starting drawer amount and potentially any cash tips that may have made their way into the drawer. 

  • You don’t need to batch your sales in Arryved Service. The system does so automatically the following morning. 

Related Articles

How To Read The Closeout Reports 


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