How To Create Venues

How To Create Venues

What Are Venues?

Venues are the various revenue centers throughout your location. They can be anything from Bar, Restaurant, Taproom, Barrel Room, Patio, Gift Shop, Upstairs, Lounge, or anything that’s unique to your location. 

Your Venues are created in your Arryved Portal. In each Venue, you can create table numbers and menus. In Arryved Service, staff will set their devices to the Venue they’re working in and the menus and table numbers for that Venue are available to select from. Venues can have stationary devices that multiple staff work with such as a bar tablet. This article shows you how to create Venues in your Arryved Portal. 


  • To create or edit Venues, you must be a Portal Super Admin or an Admin with one of the following Portal permissions: 






  • Menus and table numbers need to be created for each Venue. A menu in one Venue can be easily duplicated to your other Venues, but table numbers should be unique. 

How It Works

Create A Venue

  1. Head to your Arryved Portal.

  2. From the left side navigation, click Venue.

  3. Click the plus sign (+) to add a new Venue.

  4. Give the Venue a Description (name) and a Short Form of your choosing. 

  5. Click Create.

Venus In Arryved Service 

Here’s an example of how the Description and Short Form are visible in Arryved Service, 

  1. Venue Toggle 

Tap the Venue toggle on the top left corner to switch Venues on a device anytime. When you first log into the device for the day, it’ll display the company’s location name and you’ll have to choose a Venue before placing orders. 

  1. Tab List 

The tab list from the TAB screen displays the Venue Short Form from the Venue where the last order was placed. 

  1. Venue List 

When you tap the Venue toggle on the top left corner, a window with a list of your location’s Venues appears displaying both the Venue Description and Short Form. 

  1. Tab List View 

Use the Venue button at the bottom of the TAB screen to toggle your view of the tab list. Tap the button once to see all tabs across all Venues, tap it again to see only tabs from the Venue selected on this device. 

Venue Page

Once you’ve created the Venue, you’re taken to its Venue page in Portal. The Venues you create form a list on the left side navigation under Venue. Click on the Venue name to be taken to its Venue page. 

  1. Venue List

From the left side navigation in your Arryved Portal, click Venue to drop down the list of your Venues. Click on one to get to its Venue page where you’ll see the Venue Description at the top.

  1. Venue Type

Most of your Venues will be set to NORMAL. Only if you’re using Arryved Online and OpenTab, will you create ONLINE Venues for them. 

  • WEB and EXTERNAL Venue Types are not in use at this time. 

  1. Venue information

Under the Venue Type, there’s a quick view of the Venue’s configuration. These settings can be changed under the Edit Configuration button. 

Each of your Venues can have its own menu offering. You’ll create unique menus in your Venue by clicking on the Plus Sign (+) here. 

The menus you create form a list on this screen. If you want to offer the same menu(s) across multiple or all Venues, you can simply duplicate any menu to any other Venue. Timed Menus are also available if you have a happy hour menu, or separate lunch and dinner menus, for example. 

  1. Edit Configuration 

Click the Edit Configuration button on the right to customize this Venue’s operations. This is also where you can add table numbers to this Venue. 

  1. Sort Menu Items

Click the Sort Menu Items button on the right to rearrange the order in which the menu items appear in Arryved Service for staff to place orders off of or for guests when they’re ordering online. By default, items are listed alphabetically, but maybe there’s another more intuitive way you want them sorted. 

  1. Edit Floor Plan

A Floor Plan is a visual representation of your tables within a Venue. You can either add tables under the Edit Configuration button or you can create a Floor Plan, but you don’t need to do both. To see the Floor Plan in Arryved Service, you’ll need to check the box next to Enable Floor Plan under Edit Configuration 


Read How To Configure Venues to customize the Venue you created under the Edit Configuration button. 

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