QuickBooks Integration Setup Guide

QuickBooks Integration Setup Guide

What Is The QuickBooks Integration?

If you’re using QuickBooks Online as your accounting service, you can integrate your Arryved daily sales data directly into QBO. This integration saves you time by automating the tedious task of manual bookkeeping! Follow this guide to set up the integration in your QuickBooks Online account and in your Arryved Portal. 


  • To complete this integration setup, you must be an Arryved Portal Super Admin.

  • You need the QuickBooks Online Plus subscription level to integrate QBO with Arryved (not Advanced, Essentials, or Simple Start).


  • The Arryved to QuickBooks direct integration requires QuickBook Online (QBO). If you’re using QuickBooks Desktop, you’ll need to integrate your Arryved POS data with Ekos or Shogo who can send your Arryved data to QB Desktop for you. 

    • Pro Tip!: Even if you’re using QuickBooks Online, you can choose to use Ekos or Shogo to make the QuickBooks + Arryved Integration even easier on you!

  • If you’re using the Shogo or Ekos integrations, don’t complete the steps in this guide. Doing so will cause double entry. Please reach out to your Shogo or Ekos representative to get started and use these guides instead: 

  • The data sync time is 10 am MST. The sync time can’t be adjusted. 

  • The Daily Sales Receipts in this integration don’t show a breakdown of sales numbers by Category, Item Type, or individual checks. 

  • Please defer any accounting questions to your CPA or finance professional. 

Setup Guide

Steps To Follow

  1. Create A Customer

  2. Create The Daily Sales Category

  3. Create & Map Service Items

  4. Arryved Portal Setup 

Step 1: Create A Customer

You need to create a ‘Customer’ to receive the Daily Sales Receipt. First, log into your QuickBooks Online

Create A Customer

  1. In QBO, from the left side navigation, click Sales.

  2. Click Customers.

  3. Click New Customer, from the top right of the screen. 

  1. In the form that appears, enter your First name, Last name, Company name, Customer display name, Email, Phone number (or Mobile number), and Billing address

    • The Company name and Customer display name must match exactly. They can be anything you’d like, but our Merchants often use ‘Taproom’. This makes it easier for Arryved to find it when troubleshooting. 

  2. Click Save

Step 2: Create The Daily Sales Category

  1. Make sure you’re still under Sales from the left side navigation. 

  2. Toggle to Products and Services from the top navigation.

  3. From the top right corner, click More.

  4. Click Manage categories.

    • If you don’t have any categories set up yet, the Manage categories button won’t be there. In this case, skip to step 3 and you can create a category there. 

  1. After you click Manage categories, click New Category.

  2. In the Name field, type in ‘Daily Sales

  3. Click Save

Step 3: Create and Map Service Items

In this step, you’ll create and map your necessary Service Items. This step is very important, please read the instructions carefully and double-check your work before saving.

Your Cheat Sheet

In the numbered list below, the left side shows the Service Item names. You must enter the name of each Service Item exactly as it appears on the list. 

To the right of the arrow, is an example of the type of Income Account you can map the  Service Item to. 

  • For the most part, the name of the Income Account doesn’t matter, as long as it’s the correct type of account, such as a liability account for liabilities. 

  • However, Cash, Credit Cards, and Checks MUST be mapped to Undeposited Funds. They are labeled in orange with an asterisk below to indicate the requirement. 

The 11 bolded Service Items listed below are required to create. Even if you don’t use some of them such as RSF or Use Tax, you still need to create them and map them to some Income Account (even if it's a fake one). 

Service Items → (Income Account)

  1. Cash (Undeposited Funds)* 

  2. Credit Cards(Undeposited Funds)* 

  3. Checks (Undeposited Funds)* 

  4. Net Sales → (Net Sales) 

  5. Added Sales Tax → (Sales Tax Payable) 

  6. Included Sales Tax → (Sales Tax Payable) 

  7. Tips → (Tips Payable) 

  8. Gift Cards → (Gift Card Liability) 

  9. RSF → (RSF)

  10. Use Tax → (Sales Tax Payable) 

  11. Donations → (Other Liabilities)

You must create Service Items 12-15 listed below if your liabilities (gift card and deposit sales) are excluded from your QuickBooks Net Sales. If liabilities are included in Net Sales, don’t create these Service Items.

If you launched with Arryved after 6/1/21, your liabilities are excluded by default and these need to be created. You can change this preference by asking Arryved Support

  1. Liability Changes(Gift Card Liability)

  2. Gift Card Sales(Gift Card Liability)

  3. Deposit Sales(Deposit Liability)

  4. Deposit Refunds(Deposit Liability)

How To Create & Map Service Items

  1. Make sure you’re still under Sales, and Products and Services

  2. From the top right corner, click New.

  1. From the options that appear, click Service.

  1. On the form that appears, you only need to fill out 3 fields: Name, Category, and Income Account. 

  • In the Name* field, enter the Service Item name exactly as it appears on the list in your Cheat Sheet. This is exactly how it appears in your Arryved Portal, too. Capitalization and spacing matter! 

  • Under Category, select Daily Sales

    • If you weren’t able to create a category in Step 2, create a new category here. Name it Daily Sales. 

  • In the Income Account field, select the appropriate account.

    • This is the important step that maps the Service Items to your accounts, please be diligent here and double-check your work.

  1. Click the arrow next to Save and Close and select Save and New.

  2. Then, click Save and New to save that Service but stay on the blank form to create another Service Item. 

  3. Create the rest of the Service items on the Cheat Sheet above. 

  • If you click Save and Close instead of Save and New, you’ll need to begin at Step 1 in this section again to get back to the form. 

Step 4: Arryved Portal Setup 

  1. Log into your Arryved Portal.
  2. From the left side navigation, click Company Settings.
  3. Click Third Party Support.
  4. Click New Vendor +.
  5. Select QuickBooks Online from the dropdown options.

  1. Under Arryved Location, select your appropriate location. 

    • If your business only has one location, make sure that one is selected.

  2. Enter the Vendor Name that matches your Vendor name in QBO exactly.

    • You can copy/paste the Vendor Name from the top left corner of your QBO account. 

  1. Enter your QBO Customer name in the field under ‘QuickBooks Customer For Sales’

    • This name must match the Customer name exactly as it appears in QBO. Capitalization and spacing matter! 

    • ‘Taproom’ is automatically filled into this field, if that’s what you named your Customer (with a capital T) then you can leave it, otherwise, change it to match. 

  2. The Sales Receipt Items are filled in automatically in the format of Category:Service Item

    • The Category should always be ‘Daily Sales

    • Double-check that all the Service Item names you just created in QBO match what’s in on the Third Party Support page in your Arryved Portal. If there are any differences in capitalization, spelling, or spacing, the integration sync will fail. 

  3. Fill out the Contact Information. All fields are required except for Address 2.

    • The email address must be the same one used to log into your QBO account.

  1. Scroll to the top of the page and click Connect

  1. This prompts you to log into your QBO account. 

  2. Next, it’ll prompt you to select your Company. The dropdown shows a list of your Companies registered in QBO. Select the one you’re mapping to this Arryved Location. 

  1. Click Next.

  2. On the next screen, click the Finish button. 


Matching Sales Receipts To Bank Deposits 

This integration is designed to help you match your Daily Sales Receipts in QBO with your Daily bank deposits. 

  • In QBO, on your Banking Dashboard, click on a deposit, click ‘Find Match’, and select the corresponding Daily Sales Receipt(s). 

    • For deposits that are combined (e.g. Saturday + Sunday) you’ll need to select both Daily Sales Receipts. 

    • Refer to the ACH Deposit FAQs for a refresher on your daily deposit schedule. 

Is Your Sales Receipt Depositing To The Correct Account? 

If you can’t find a match, you may have to adjust the account that your Sales Receipts are being deposited to. 

  1. Log into your QBO.

  2. From the left side click Sales.

  3. Click All Sales

  4. From the list of Sales Receipts, click on one.

  5. Click Edit on the bottom right of the window.

  6. Find the ‘Deposit to field and choose the correct account (such as Checking). 

  7. Click Save (if you click Save and Send, you’ll need to enter an email address to send the record to). 

You’ll have to make this adjustment a few times, then QBO will start to catch on and do so automatically.

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