Please remember to set Arryved Service to auto-update from Google Play on all of your POS devices, to enjoy the new features and improvements available to you in each release.
Release version: Arryved Service 2.5.0
Release Date: Oct 24, 2024
Updates to our existing products and features
For merchants on Arryved Pay, when no reader is paired in Arryved Service, you can now select a tDynamo card reader from the Set Guest screen, where you place a card on file.
If your POS device runs on Arryved Service version 2.4.0, your tDynamo may have experienced slow transaction times. We’ve resolved this latency issue, and your tDtnamo should be transacting at normal speed again!
If your POS device runs on Arryved Service version 2.4.0, you may have experienced a connection issue with your eDynamo BLE card reader. These connection errors have been resolved. You should be all set now!
Issues have been resolved with gift card payments when swiping through an eDynamo BLE reader.
Our team has been working hard to reduce the crash rate for your Arryved Service app to keep your service running smoothly. We are now crashing at less than 2%! (1.8% to be exact).
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