Cash Drawer Setup Guide

Cash Drawer Setup Guide

What Is A Cash Drawer?

A Cash drawer is essentially a lock box for your cash. You can connect your cash drawer to your Arryved POS and receipt printer so it opens when cash is needed. This article shows you how to set up your cash drawer for the first time. 


  • You have your Arryved cash drawer on hand and ready to be installed.

  • You have your “receipt printer” on hand, loaded with paper, and properly configured. 

  • The HARDWARE Labor Role Permission is needed to pair the cash drawer in Arryved Service.


  • If you lose the key to the cash drawer, you need to know the Lock # that’s printed on a sticker on the bottom of the cash drawer to be able to order a new one. 

Setup Guide

Step 1: Keep The Key

A brand new cash drawer has the key taped on the underside. Keep this key in a safe place. This is how you can manually open the drawer without having to do it from Arryved Service. 

Step 2: Plug It In

  1. Grab both the cash drawer and your main receipt printer. 

    • If you have multiple cash drawers and receipt printers. Find the printer you want to attach to this specific drawer.

  2. Head to the spot where you’d like these to be stationed (i.e. behind your bar or counter).

  3. The cash drawer comes with a cord that has an RJ12 phone jack on both ends.

  4. Find the smaller end of the cord and plug it into the phone port of the cash drawer.

  5. Plug the larger end of the cord into the phone port on the back of the receipt printer.

    • It may be difficult to tell which end is smaller or larger, if the cash drawer is having trouble when you test it out, try switching the cord ends around. 

  6. Place the printer and cash drawer in a comfortably stationed position.

  7. Turn the printer on.

Step 3: Pair It

In Arryved Service, you need to pair the cash drawer with the printer so that the two can talk to each other. 

  1. Head to Arryved Service and log in. 

  2. Tap STAFF from the top navigation bar.

  3. Tap Settings.

  4. Under the Mastering section, tap the Drawer button.

  5. From the list of printers that appears, select the receipt printer that is physically plugged into the cash drawer.

Gut Check!

If the setup worked, the No Sale button will appear in the top left corner of the STAFF screen in Arryved Service. 

  • Tap the No Sale button anytime to instantly open the cash drawer.

  • Otherwise, the cash drawer opens automatically when a cash payment is made through Arryved Service. 

    • Contact Arryved Support if you want to disable the auto-open. 

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