Cash Handling Summary Overview

Cash Handling Summary Overview

What Is The Cash Handling Summary?

The Cash Handling Summary is a Quick Report in Arryved Service that summarizes all Cash Actions, cash sales, and cash tips for the day. Use this guide to learn how to access and read the Cash Handling Summary.


  • For the Cash Handling Summary to appear in Arryved Service, it needs to be enabled by a Portal Super Admin

    • Enable the Location Preference: ’Display Cash Handling Summary in Location Closeout (CO)

  • You must be logged in to Arryved Service with the REPORTS Labor Role Permission to view the Cash Handling Summary. 


  • The Cash Handling Summary shows totals for the entire day. There are no separate shifts in this report. 

  • This report doesn’t differentiate between different cash drawers. 

  • This report can only be viewed for the current business day. 

  • Amounts entered in the ‘Bank’ under the Tip or Individual CO buttons are not recorded in this report. 

  • This report assumes that any amounts entered through the Employee, Shift Tip, or Pay-out Cash Actions were removed from the cash drawer at the time they were recorded. 

  • The Cash Sales total may be different on the Cash Handling Summary versus your closeout reports if you had any voided cash payments that day.

  • You may need to do your own calculations if you’re using this report for various tipping scenarios such as tipping out your kitchen or support staff. 

How It Works

What's Included In the Cash Handling Summary

The Cash Handling Summary records:

  • Cash sales and cash tips rung in through Arryved Service.

    • If you don’t use the Cash Actions or Forced Tip Claim features, then cash sales and cash tips are all you’ll see in this report. 

The report also records the totals for each of the following Actions found in both Cash Actions and Forced Tip Claim

  • Start Til

  • End Til

  • Shift Tip

  • Pay Out

  • Pay in

  • Employee

Lastly, the Cash Handling Summary includes: 

  • The amount recorded in Tip Claim that lives under the Tips or Individual CO buttons from the STAFF screen. 

    • If a Tip Claim amount is entered more than once, it’ll replace the previous amount, it doesn’t total them together. 

    • The Bank button is not included in this report. 

Finding The Cash Handling Summary

  1. Open Arryved Service and log in.

  2. Tap STAFF at the top of the screen.

  3. Tap Reports under the Operations section.

  4. Tap Cash Handling under the Shift Closeout Reports section.

  5. Tap Print or simply view it on the screen and tap the X in the top right corner when you’re done!

Understanding The Cash Handling Summary

Below is an example of the Cash Handling Summary. Follow the numbers to learn what the amounts on this report are telling you! 

  1. Starting Amt

The ‘Start Til’ amount(s) entered through Cash Actions or Forced Tip Claim. 

  • This doesn’t include the ‘Bank’ amount entered under the Tips or Individual CO buttons. 

  1. Cash Sales

The total of sales closed to cash in Arryved Service. Voided cash payments are not included in this total.

  1. Cash Tips

The total cash tips entered with tabs via the Individual CO button or the Tips button in Arryved Service. 

  • If you have the Cash Actions or Forced Tip Claim features enabled, you’ll use the Tips button instead of the Individual CO button. 

  1. Pay-ins

Total of the ‘Pay in’ amounts entered through Cash Actions or Forced Tip Claim. 

  1. Pay-outs

Total of the Pay-out amounts entered through Cash Actions or Forced Tip Claim. 

  • Pay-outs consist of the Employee, Shift Tip, and Pay Out actions. 

    • ‘Employee’ also includes the amount entered in ‘Tip Claim’ that lives under the Tips or Individual CO buttons. 

  • This amount should be the same amount as the ‘Total’ at the bottom of this report. 

  1. Expected End Amt

Your Expected End Til Amount = Starting Amt + Cash Sales + Cash Tips + Pay-ins - Pay-outs. 

  1. Actual End Amt

The ‘End Til amount(s) entered through Cash Actions or Forced Tip Claim. 

  1. Difference

The difference between the Expected and Actual Til amounts. If there is a positive or negative difference, this is how you can tell if your drawer is over or under. 

  1. Shift Tip

Total of the ‘Shift Tip amounts entered through Cash Actions or Forced Tip Claim. 

  1. Employee

Total of the ‘Employee’ amounts entered through Cash Actions or Forced Tip Claim. 

  • ‘Employee’ also includes the amount entered in ‘Tip Claim’ that lives under the Tips or Individual CO buttons. 

  1. Payout

Total of the ‘Pay Out’ amounts entered through Cash Actions or Forced Tip Claim. 

  • This only includes the ‘Pay Out’ button, not Employee or Shift Tip. 

  1. Total

Total of the amounts in the ‘Pay-outs Summary section above it. This should be the same as the amount next to ‘Pay-out’ in the top section (#5 in the image). 


Use this report to see if your drawer is over or under. If there’s a number in the Difference field, a positive number indicates the drawer is over, a negative number tells you the drawer is under. 

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