Category Sales Report Overview

Category Sales Report Overview

What Is The Category Sales Report?

The Category Sales report shows a summary of your Inventory Items sold broken down by Category. Categories are preset from Arryved and assigned to your unique Item Types. For Example, if you have an Item type called “sandwiches,” it’s likely under the FOOD category. 


  • To view this report in Arryved Portal, you must be a Super Admin or an Admin with one of the following Portal Permissions:





  • You can filter by Venue, Item Tag, and Tab Tags, but those criteria don’t have a column on the report. 

  • Categories are broken down by the Inventory Items sold within that Category. The report does not total the sales of a Category unless you filter by a Category.

  • In Arryved reporting, Flights are recorded as a single Item when sold. The individual child Items sold within the Flight are also individually reported. Keep this in mind and beware of double-reporting on Flights in your taxes. 

How It Works

Find The Report

  1. Head to your Arryved Portal.

  2. From the left side navigation, click Reporting.

  3. Click Sales.

  4. Click Category Sales.

  5. Use one of the filters if desired.

  6. Use the calendars to select a date or range of days to view the report. 

  7. Click Preview or one of the Download options


The filters are a great way to narrow your search and tailor the report to your specific needs. The image example below shows how well the BEER Category is selling on the patio!

Filter By

  • Venue

  • Item Types

  • Category

  • Item Tags 

    • Assigned to Inventory Items in Arryved Portal.

  • Tab Tag Type

    • Assigned to tabs in Arryved Service.

  • Comp type


  • Check the “Hide” box next to any filter to exclude that filter from the report rather than filter by it. 


To remove a filter, open the dropdown, scroll to the bottom of the list of options for that filter and click REMOVE

Report Columns

The report has the following columns of data:


  • Categories come from a preset list by Arryved. As you create Item Types, you’ll assign a Category to them. For Example, a “Soup & Salad” Item Type will likely be under the FOOD Category. 


  • Your business's unique Item Types.


  • Inventory Item name. This column will also list the Unit Sizes sold of that item.


  • Total quantity sold from that day or range of days selected.

Total Amount

  • The price of the Inventory Item times the quantity sold. 

Related Articles

How To Create Item Types

How To Create An Inventory Item 

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