How To Create Inventory Items

How To Create Inventory Items

What Is Inventory In The Arryved Portal?

In the Arryved Portal, you will create all of your possible menu items as Inventory Items. Inventory Items can be any menu offering from food, drinks, beverages on draft, merchandise, etc. This article will show you how to create an Inventory Item from start to finish. 


  1. Before you can create an Inventory Item, you must create the building blocks of inventory. This includes Item Types, Tax Types, and Unit Sizes. Each Inventory Item will have those building blocks applied to it. 
  2. You've already created Venues and Menus (not required to complete beforehand, but helpful)
  3. If you desire to have any Forced Modifiers applied to your Inventory Items, create them ahead of time. 


  • Inventory Items' Display Images added to your Arryved Portal may take 20-30 minutes to appear in your Arryved Online Store or OpenTab menus for the first time.
  • Some elements in this article are not available by default in your Arryved Portal. Some may need to be enabled by Arryved Support or by a Portal Super Admin on your team.

How It Works

This section first shows you the basic requirements for creating an Inventory Item, then dive into the more advanced optional fields. 
  1. In your Arryved Portal, navigate to Inventory.
  2. Click on an existing Inventory Folder, or click + to add a new Folder.
Note: Inventory Folders are for your own personal organization in the Arryved Portal. The way that your Inventory is sorted in Arryved Service is by Item Type, not these Inventory Folders. 
  1. Once you are in an Inventory Folder, Click New Item + to create a new Inventory Item.
  2. Use the guidelines below to customize the Inventory Item.
  3. Click Save when finished.

Basic Inventory Item Fields (Required)

This is the bare minimum you need to create an Inventory Item, everything else is optional. The required entries include:
  • ID
  • Short Name
  • Name
  • Item & Tax Type
  • Costs (Unit Sizes)

ID: This is the identifier of the Inventory Item that will appear in some reports. It is also used to identify the Inventory Item in some third parties such as OBeer.

Short Name: This is a shortened name of the Inventory Item that will appear in Arryved Service and on printed tickets.

Name: This is the full name of the Inventory Item that will be visible on guest facing receipts. 

Item & Tax Type: Select the Item Type that best describes the Inventory Item. Once selected, the Tax Type and print setting will populate automatically. 

In the Costs section, you will add the appropriate Unit Sizes and assign a price to each size. 
  1. On Inventory Item page, click Costs to dropdown the fields.
  2. Click + Add Costs to add a Unit Size. 
  3. In the Size dropdown, select the first Unit Size for this Inventory Item.
  4. In the Price field, enter a dollar amount for that size of that Inventory Item. 
  5. Repeat to add all Unit Sizes to this Item. 

Note: If this Inventory Item only comes in one size then select your generic size. Usually this is the size labeled “ORDER” or something similar. This way you can still add a price to this item. 

This is all of the required information you need to enter when creating a new Inventory Item. You can stop here and SAVE this item or continue reading for advanced customization.

Advanced Inventory Item Fields (Optional) 

The rest of the fields on the New Inventory Item page are optional, but often necessary! This section will show you how and when to use the advanced fields.  We will start with the rest of the fields in the Costs section.


Click on the Costs section to drop down the fields. In the required section above, you learned how to add Unit Sizes and Prices. The guidelines below will show you how to use the rest of the optional fields in this section. 

Conversion Type: This is only needed if you are using Orchestrated Beer (OBeer). Please talk to your Implementation Manager or Arryved Support for more information.

Availability by Size: Check this box if this item’s sizes have a hard count. If this box is checked then the item will deplete by size rather than the entire item for more accurate inventory reporting.

COGs: Cost of Goods Sold. Enter the cost of this Unit Size of this item. Cost refers to the dollar amount spent by the business to acquire this item.

  1. If you don't see this field here, you can add it to this page by enabling the 'Cost of Goods Sold' Location Preference. You must be an Arryved Portal Super Admin to do so.

Quantity in Stock: Use this field if you have the Availability by Size box checked above. Enter a number for the hard count on hand for this size of this item. As this size is ordered, the inventory count will deplete. 

State: Choose between Active, Inactive, or Out (Kicked) for this Item’s Unit Size(s). How you define each State can be up to you, but here's how they function:

  1. Active means the item's size is in stock and available for sale. As long as it's on an active menu, it can be ordered. This is the default State when you first create an Inventory Item.
  2. Out (Kicked) generally means this Unit Size for this item is temporarily unavailable until you get more in stock. Items and Sizes can quickly be sent to the Out(Kicked) State or made Active again using the INV screen in Arryved Service.
  3. Inactive generally means you don't currently offer this Item anymore, you stopped making it, etc. If you want to make an Inactive Item, Active again, you'll need to do so here in your Arryved Portal.
  4. Note: To deplete Inventory by size rather than just the entire item, you must have the "Availability by Size" checkbox, checked!

SKU: A Stock Keeping Unit is a unique number given to each Inventory Item and Unit Size for your barcode scanner to recognize and scan the item. This field is not available by default, talk to your Implementation Manager for more information. 

  1. If you don't see this field here, you can add it to this page by enabling the 'SKUs' Location Preference. You must be an Arryved Portal Super Admin to do so.

Pricing Type: In most cases, the Pricing Type is set to NORMAL. If you're setting up Timed Menus, you'll use the other options. Menus also have a Pricing Type and your Inventory's specific Unit Sizes will appear on menus that have the same Pricing Type.

CRV/+ Use Tax: Use this field if the California Redemption Value or Deposit Use Tax applies to you. Please contact an Accountant if you are unsure. Keep in mind, the value entered for the CRV is for a specific Unit Size. If a single can is $0.05, a 4pk will be entered as $0.20.

Loyalty Cost: Loyalty Cost pertains to Arryved Insider. This field needs to be activated by your Implementation Manager or Arryved Support.

Max # per Guest Order: Enter a numerical value in this field to limit how many of this size of this item a guest can purchase through your Arryved Online Store.

Top Section

The main section consists of the fields at the top of the Inventory Item creation page that are not hidden behind a dropdown section.

ID, Short Name, Name, and Item & Tax Type are the required fields mentioned above. 

State: Choose between Active, Inactive, or Out (Kicked) for this Inventory Item as a whole. How you define each State can be up to you, but here's how they function:

  1. Active means the item is in stock and available for sale. As long as it's on an active menu, it can be ordered. This is the default State when you first create an Inventory Item.
  2. Out (Kicked) generally means the item is temporarily unavailable until you get more in stock. Items can quickly be sent to the Out(Kicked) State or made Active again using the INV screen in Arryved Service.
  3. Inactive generally means you don't currently offer this item anymore, you stopped making it, etc. If you want to make an Inactive Item Active again, you'll need to do so here in your Arryved Portal.
Guest Menu Name: This is the name of the item that will be visible in your Online Store or OpenTab. If you leave this blank, the Name field will default if this item is available in those Arryved channels.

Item Code: This is used specifically for Obeer integration. Please contact Arryved Support or your Implementation Manager for more information.

Button Override: Item Types create the buttons in Arryved Service that sort the active Inventory Items. When you apply an Item Type to an Inventory Item, that item will live within that button. Using Button Override, you can choose a different button (Item Type) for the item to live under in Arryved Service. Doing this will not affect the Tax Type associated with the original Item Type selected. 

Printer Override: Similar to Button Override, you can change the print destination of this item. The default will be the one associated with the Item Type. Changing this will not affect the Tax Type associated with the original Item Type selected. 

Printer Order: Printer Order is a way to prioritize how items print on a ticket. Enter a numerical value here. When multiple items are printed on 1 ticket, the item with the lowest Printer Order number will be listed on the ticket first. The highest last. Click to learn more about Print Order.
Note: The Printer Order field only works if you have a Location Preference set for it.
Contact Arryved Support or your Implementation Manager for more information.
Click on the Menus section to drop down the Menu options. Use the checkboxes to add the Inventory Item to the Menus available in your various Venues.


Click the Attributes section to drop down the fields. Click +Add Attribute to add one to this item. You can choose an attribute type, then enter the description for that attribute. There are 5 attribute types to choose from:
  • ABV (Alcohol By Volume)
  • Allergens
  • IBU (International Bitter Units)
  • Rarity 
  • Vintage


Click on the Modifiers section to drop down the fields. Click +Add Forced Modifier to add one to this item. Forced Modifiers are forced selections that the guest must make when ordering this item. Forced Modifiers and their Item Modifiers need to be created prior to adding them to an Inventory Item. 

Select Forced Modifier: From the dropdown, select the Forced Modifier you desire to add to this item. 

Select Price Floor: From the dropdown, choose one of the answers (Item Modifiers) to be the base selection. Note that any other modifier within this Forced Modifier group that is priced at equal/lesser value to your base selection will be free. Conversely, any other modifier that has a price greater than the base will up-charge the difference.

No Size Set: From the dropdown, select a specific size you would like this Forced Modifier to apply to. If you only have one size or want the Modifier to apply to all sizes, then select Apply to Item.

ALL: From the dropdown, select whether you'd like the Forced Modifier to appear in Arryved Service, Online Store, or both (ALL). This allows you to use modifiers differently in Arryved Service versus Online Store. 

Display Information

Click on the Display Information section to drop down the fields.

Image Icon
: Click on the Image icon to upload an image of this Inventory Item. Please read the image size requirements next to the icon before uploading. 

Full Description: Type a robust description of this Inventory Item. Staff can see this description if they tap on the item in Arryved Service.

Short Description: This description is visible on your Online Store and OpenTab. Keep it brief.

Guest Supplier Name / Location: These two fields are not active at this time. 

Item Tags

Click on the Tags section to drop down the fields. Tags can be added to items to isolate your reporting. Many reports can filter by tags. For example, you can see how well your IPAs sell versus your Belgians. Click +Add Tag to add one to this Inventory Item. Select one of the many Tags from the dropdown list. Add as many Tags as you’d like.

Cloning an Item

You can clone an existing Inventory Item instead of creating a new one from scratch. This can save time if you are adding a new Inventory Item that is similar to an existing one. 
  1. Click on an existing Inventory Item from an Inventory Folder.
  2. Click Clone Item on the top right corner. 
    Notice how the information has been copied over with the word clone in the name.
  3. Change the name of the new item and any other information needed.
  4. Click Save.

Gut Check!

Don’t forget to click Save when you are finished customizing this Inventory Item! Try to order the item in Arryved Service and see if the following are correct:
  • Can you see all the Unit Sizes available to order? 
  • Is the item in the correct category (Item Type)?
  • Do the forced modifiers appear (if any)?
  • Is the price correct?
  • Is the name correct?

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