Daily Sales Report Overview

Daily Sales Report Overview

What Is The Daily Sales Report?

The Daily Sales offers a detailed list of all closed tabs from the date or range of days the report is showing. The tab information includes the date and time, employee name, Venue, a breakdown of the tab total, and the method by which payment was received. 

  • To view this report in Arryved Portal, you must be a Portal Super Admin or an Admin with one of the following Portal Permissions:





  •  Item Types and Inventory Items are not listed in the tab details, just a monetary breakdown of the total dollar amount on the tab.

How It Works

Find The Report

  1. Head to your Arryved Portal.

  2. From the left side navigation, click Reporting.

  3. Click Sales.

  4. Click Daily Sales.

  5. Use one of the filters if desired.

  6. Use the calendars to select a date or range of days to view the report. 

  7. Click Preview or one of the Download options


The filters are a great way to narrow your search and tailor the report to your specific needs. The filters offered in this report are: 

Report By

  • Choose to view the report with Company data or Location specific data. 


  • Filter by your unique Venues

Tab Tag Type

  • Tab Tags are applied to tabs in Arryved Service.

Show Detail

  • The Show Detail box is checked by default. 

  • When the box is checked, the report lists each closed tab with detailed information. The bottom of the report sums up the tab information by Venue, Employee, method of payment, and Arryved Channel. 

  • When the box is unchecked, the report does not include the individual tab information, just the Venue, employee, method of payment, and Arryved Channel totals. 

Report Columns


  • The time that the check was closed.

  • This column is only visible when the Show Detail box is checked. 


  • The date that the check was closed.

  • This column is only visible when the Show Detail box is checked. 


  • The method by which payment was received. 

    • NMI (CC payment from Arryved Service)

    • ARRYVED (CC payment from Arryved Online or OpenTab)

    • CASH


  • This column is only visible when the Show Detail box is checked. 

Check # 

  • The check # of the tab that the item was ordered on. 

  • This column is only visible when the Show Detail box is checked. 


  • The name of the employee who closed the tab. 

  • This column is only visible when the Show Detail box is checked. 


  • The Venue under which the tab was closed. 

  • This column is only visible when the Show Detail box is checked. 


  • Subtotal of the tab(s) before tax, Comps, and Use Tax. 


  • Any inclusive or add-on tax associated with the tab(s).


  • Any Deposit money or Use Tax collected on the tab(s). 


  • Any tips collected on the tab(s).


  • Total of the tab(s) including tax, tips, and Use Tax, minus Comps. 

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