How To Use The End of Day Tool

How To Use The End of Day Tool

What Is The End Of Day Tool?

Your all-in-one solution to managing your daily tip pool and nightly cash deposit is Arryved Portal’s End of Day Tool. The Tool allows you to manipulate the tip pool for your specific needs and adjust employee tipped hours without affecting payroll numbers or other reports. 

Use the End of Day Tip Summary under the reporting section of your Arryved Portal to see the tip amounts entered in the End of Day Tool from the day(s) you choose.

→ Check out the End Of Day Tool lesson in the Arryved Academy Tips Course for video and guided learning. If it's your first time in the Arryved Academy, you may need an access code. Contact your Implementation Manager.


  • If you’d like to use the End of Day Tool, contact your Implementation Manager to enable it.

  • To access the Tool in Arryved Portal, you must be a Super Admin or an Admin with one of the four following Portal Permissions:


      • This reset Permission allows you to edit past actions in the End of Day Tool. If applied, It includes the End of Day Permission as well. 


      • Include the End of Day Permission, but not the Reset one. 


  • The End of Day Tool just supports the method of tip pooling by day. 

  • The Tool operates best at the end of the day after tipped employees have clocked out. 

  • Please use the End of Day Tool only once a day. If data is entered into the Tool more than once for the same date, it may result in double reporting and distribution of tips. 

General Information

The End of Day Tool grants you three superpowers to come to the rescue against your cash nightmares! 

Your New Superpowers:

  1. Adjust the dollar amount of your tip pool. 

    • Tips pools are auto-generated by tip totals rang in through the Arryved POS, but maybe you want something different. 

  2. Adjust an employee's tipped hours worked without affecting their payroll. 

    • Maybe an employee completed a different task for a few hours, and you want them out of the tip pool during that time.

  3. Manage your cash deposit. 

    • Adjust and keep a record of your nightly cash deposit. You can record a 0%, 75%, or 100% tip out to your employees for the day. 

Find Your New Superpowers Here:

  1. Log into Arryved Portal with the correct permissions.

  2. Navigate to Operations.

  3. Click on End of Day

  4. Select a date to use the Tool. 

  5. Click Go

  6. Read the guidelines below to use the Tool. 

How It Works

Tipping Method

Tips are allocated to tipped employees from a daily tip pool where one tip pool is shared among all tipped employees who worked that day. For a refresher on this tipping method, read End of Day Tip Summary Overview for a calculation example.  

Modify The Tip Pool

With the End of Day Tool, the daily tip pool is adjustable. Oftentimes a certain amount of tips from the main pool are removed to allocate to another employee or job function. 

For example, 10% of the total tip pool is removed and allocated to kitchen staff and 90% of the tip pool is distributed to the rest of the front-of-house tipped employees. 

  • Note: The 10% for the kitchen needs to be manually distributed to employees and tracked. It won’t be allocated through the End of Day Tool, EOD Tip Summary, or other reports. 

Use the top section of the End of Day Tool to modify the tip pool, if you’d like.

  • The CC Tips and Gift Card Tips fields will automatically populate based on what was rang in through any Arryved POS modalities.

  • The Cash Tips field is optional. This is a good way to enter cash tips into the tip pool. 

    • These cash tips appear in the End of Day Tip Summary, but not in any other reports with tips. 

    • The Summary doesn’t break down tip totals by payment type. Cash tips are added to the totals. 

    • Entering cash tips via the $0 Cash Tip Tab in Arryved Service will end up in other reports as well as this one. Be careful not to report cash tips twice. 

Click Update Tips if you entered anything in the Cash Tips, before using the CC Tips Override. This will update the Total Tips value.

  • The CC Tips Override field is also optional, where you can add to or remove from the total tip pool. Here’s how it works,

    • The dollar amount in Total Tips is the entire tip pool you’ll choose to add to or remove from. It includes CC/Gift Card Tips and any cash you just entered above.

    • However, you’ll add or subtract to/from the dollar amount of just the CC Tips value.

    • Therefore, CC Override = CC Tips minus how much you want to remove from Total Tips. or, CC Tips + how much you want to add to Total Tips.   


  •  CC Tips = $100, Total Tips = $150

  • You want to remove 10% of the total tip pool of $150. That’s $15 subtracted. 

  • The $15 subtracts from the CC Tips of $100.

  • You’ll CC Override to $85 ($100-$15).

Click Update Tips if you entered anything in the Cash Tips or CC Tips Override fields.

Modify Tipped Hours

The chart in the middle section shows a list of tipped employees that clocked into Arryved Service that day. 

Use the Hours box to adjust any tipped hours for that employee. Let’s say one of your employees left the service floor to work on a side project for a few hours. Their hours can be adjusted here to remove those hours from the tip pool without affecting the employee’s hours in Arryved Service or any other reports in Arryved Portal. 

  • Click Update Hours if any values were entered in the Hours boxes on the chart. 

The % Tips column will show the % of tips from the tip pool allocated to that employee based on hours worked and their assigned Tip Point value. 

The last three columns show 100%, 75%, and 0% of the total tips allocated to that employee. This is useful for paying out employees partial tips at a time.

Submit Deposit 

The bottom portion of the EOD Tool helps manage your nightly deposit.

Cash / Check payments are a total of all cash or check payments rung in through any Arryved POS modalities. 

Cash Tips are any tips entered with those same cash and check payments. This number doesn’t include your starting till amount in any way.

Cash on Hand is the total amount of cash payments and tips you actually have on hand, not including your starting till amount. 

  • In most cases, Cash/Check Payments + Cash Tips are the same as Cash on Hand. If you have something different, likely there were cash-handling issues.

The Tip % selection allows you to indicate if you’re paying out employees 100%, 75%, or 0% of their tip allotment at that moment in time. 

  • selecting 100% or 75% generally assumes tips are being paid out in the form of cash. Choosing 0% generally assumes tips are added to paychecks.

The Expected Deposit auto-populates based on what’s entered in the Cash on Hand field and what Tip % is selected. 

  • If 0%, the Expected Deposit is Cash on Hand minus zero.

  • If 75%, the Expected Deposit is Cash on Hand minus 75% of the Total Tips populated at the top of the page. 

  • If 100% is selected, the Expected Deposit will be Cash on Hand minus Total Tips. 

The Actual Deposit is what goes into the bank. In most cases, the Actual Deposit is the same as the Expected Deposit listed above. If not, it likely means there were cash-handling issues.

Click Submit Deposit When you are finished altering this section. 

Complete Tip-out

Click the Complete Tip-out button under the chart to finalize your employee tip-out. 

  • If tips are going to employee paychecks (0%) or you’re paying out 100% of the tips at the moment, you can click Complete Tip-out now. 

  • If you are divvying out some of the tips on a different day, leave the button alone for now and you can go back to click it when your tip-out is final.

Clicking End of Day again from the side navigation bar in Portal brings you to the End of Day Report Manager page where there’s a list of dates when the tool was used, but actions weren’t finalized.

  1. Pending, means the Submit Deposit button was never clicked.
  2. Deposited, means the Submit Deposit button was clicked, but the Complete Tip-out button was not. 
  3. To remove a record from this list and mark it as completed, click on a status that says Deposited, then click Complete Tip-out

Resetting the Tool

Use the Reset Report button on the top left of the page to reset the information that was entered in the Tool. It is recommended to update the information with the Reset Report button if:

  • Employee hours were adjusted in Arryved Portal on the View Hours page. 

  • Tips were adjusted in Arryved Service. 

Adjusting the information in the End of Day Tool ensures that any changes made in Arryved Service or Portal are reflected in the tool as well. We suggest taking a screenshot of the current data in the tool before resetting it, just in case you need to reproduce this information again later. 

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