How To Place Items On Hold

How To Place Items On Hold

What Is The Hold Feature?

Imagine this likely scenario where your guests shout their drink, appetizer, and entree orders at you all at once. As a hospitality expert, you know they’ll want their drink and appetizers first, and entrees a little later. You can add all the items to the order screen, place the entrees on hold, and send the other items through. 

By holding items, you don’t have to remember what the guests said, or ask them twice. This article shows you how to place items on hold in Arryved Service, and quickly send them through when ready. 


  • To place an order or a hold, the employee must be logged in with the ORDER Labor Role Permission. 

  • You can place items on hold with or without the Hold button, but it makes life a little easier. 

    • The Hold button is available on the order screen in Arryved Service for any Venues with the "Quick Close Buttons" checkbox unchecked, in the Venue Configuration

    • Hold buttons are available in each of your Venues by default. 

    • When the box is checked, the Hold and Seat buttons are replaced with the Quick Close buttons. 


  • A tab can’t be closed out if there are items on hold. 

How It Works

Holding Items 

  1. Open Arryved Service and log in. 

  2. From the TAB screen, tap New to start a new tab.

    • Or tap on an existing tab, then tap Order.

  3. From the order screen of the new or existing tab, add items to the order screen.

    • You can add items you’re ready to fire and want to hold at the same time. 

Hold Individual Items

To hold some items and fire the others, 

  1. Press your finger down on an item until it becomes highlighted in red. 

  2. Tap Send.

  3. The items not on hold will fire, and the items on hold (in red) will remain on the screen.

  4. Tap Send again to save the tab with the items held. 

Hold An Order

If you have the Hold and Stay buttons for the Venue you’re ordering under, you can quickly hold and un-hold items. If you have the Exact $ and Quick CC buttons instead, you’ll have to hold items individually as mentioned above. 

  1. From the order screen, add items to the order

  2. Tap the Un-hold button until all the items are highlighted in red.

  3. Tap Send to save the order with the items on hold. 

Tabs With Held Items

After you place items on hold and tap Send, the tab will rise to the top of the TAB screen and also be highlighted in red. This is to remind you that items are on hold every time you look at your tab list. 

Sending Held Items

When you’re ready to fire those items that are on hold, here’s how, 

  1. From the TAB screen, tap on the tab with held items (it’ll be highlighted in red). 

  2. Tap Details

  3. From the Running Tab Screen, any items on hold are highlighted in red. 


Tap Send to quick-fire all of the items on hold from that order. 


Or, you can tap the Change button to un-hold specific items and leave others on hold that are from the same order. 

  1. Once you tap Change, you'll be taken to the order screen. The items in red are on hold. 

  2. Long-tap on any items to un-highlight them.

  3. Tap Send to fire the items. 

  4. Any items still highlighted in red will remain on hold. 


After all held items are sent, the Re-print button is restored, and the items are no longer highlighted in red. 

Related Articles

How To Use The "Stay" Button

TAB Screen Overview

How To Start A  Tab In Arryved Service

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