How To Start A Tab In Arryved Service

How To Start A Tab In Arryved Service

What Is A Tab? 

In Arryved Service, a tab is an ongoing check for one or more of your guests. You can start a tab with a card on file, or simply identify it with a Tab Name or a Table Number selection. On an active tab, you can continue to place orders and complete actions until the guest is ready to close out. Use this guide to learn the various ways to start a tab in Arryved Service.


  • Arryved has improved the flow for starting a tab in Arryved Service in release 1.29. If you are seeing something different than what’s in this guide, you likely need to update the Arryved Service app on your POS devices. 


  • Good news! You can long-press the New button in Arryved Service to reduce the number of finger taps it takes to start a tab! However, your Android Settings control the long press function for all of your apps, including Arryved Service.

How It Works 

In Arryved Service, to leave a tab open, you must identify the tab in 1 of 3 ways: 

  • Leave a card on file

  • Give it a tab name 

  • Select a table number

Card On File 

One of Arryved’s crowd favorites is the ability to leave a guest’s card on file without having to hold their card hostage. Simply capture the card info through the card reader and hand it right back to the guest! If they take off, forgetting to close their tab, you won’t lose the sale! 

To leave a card on file, you can swipe a card through the card reader, or manually enter the card info. 


  1. From the TAB screen in Arryved Service, tap New.

    • You can add items to the order now or after swiping a card. 

  2. Tap the ‘Set Guest’ text.

  3. Wait for the reader to connect, and swipe the card through the reader. 

    • The name on the card will auto-fill in the Tab Name field. You can delete it and enter a different name if needed. 

  4. Tap Done

Pro Tip! You can long-press the New button on the TAB screen for 2 seconds to be taken straight to a swipe! This bypasses the new order screen for even faster tab starting! 

Manual Entry

If you’re unable to swipe the card through the reader, you can put a card on file manually. 

  1. From the TAB screen, either long-press the New button or tap New → Set Guest

  2. From the SET GUEST window, tap the 3 vertical dots in the upper right corner.

  3. Tap Manual Credit.

  4. Enter the card details prompted and tap Next

Tab Name

If leaving a card on file isn’t necessary, you can simply identify the tab with a Tab Name.

  1. From the TAB screen, either long-press the New button or tap New → Set Guest

  2. In the Tab Name field, type something in!

  3. Tap Done

Table Number

The third way you can identify a tab is by selecting a Table Number. Table Numbers are unique to your Venues and set up through your Arryved Portal. 

  1. From the TAB screen, tap New.

  2. Tap the box in the upper right corner that says N/A’or NO.

  3. Select a Table Number from the list. The list populates with the Table Numbers you have added to this Venue. 

    • If there is no card on file or Tab Name entered, the Table Number will used as the Tab Name.

P.S. You can also select a Table Number using the Table button on the SET GUEST window. This is useful if you’re also leaving a card on file or manually entering a Tab Name. 


Once you’ve identified the tab in one of the 3 ways mentioned above, you’re taken to the new order screen.

  • You’ll see the Tab Name shown across the top. 

  • A card symbol indicates that there’s a card on file.

  • If a Table Number was selected, you’ll see it in the box in the upper right corner. 

Saving The Tab

You can add items to the order if you haven’t done so already. Or, you can save the tab with an empty order. When ready, tap Send to save the tab. 

  • Once the tab is saved, locate it on the TAB screen in Arryved Service. 

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