How To Configure Venues

How To Configure Venues

What Is Venue Configuration?

Venues are the various revenue centers throughout your location. They can be anything from Bar, Restaurant, Taproom, Barrel Room, Patio, Gift Shop, Upstairs, Lounge, or anything that’s unique to your location. 

Venues can have a mind of their own. From your Arryved Portal, you can customize your Venues individually to meet the service needs of each one. Venue configuration determines how the Venue operates in Arryved Service. This article shows you the options available for configuring your Venues. 


  • Before you can configure a Venue, you need to create one. Learn  How To Create Venues first, then return to this article. 


  • To create or edit Venues, you must be a Portal Super Admin or an Admin with one of the following Portal permissions: 





How It Works

Watch the video below then follow the guidelines to configure your Venues.

  1. Head to your Arryved Portal.

  2. From the left side navigation, click Venue.

  3. Click on a Venue of your choice from the list.

  4. Click Edit Configuration from the right side. 

All settings on this configuration page will only apply to this Venue. The checkboxes begin unchecked by default. Read the guidelines below to see what each checkbox enables. 

  1. Venue Names

The Description and Short Name fields auto-fill with the Description and Short Form that was entered when the Venue was created. 

The Public Venue Name is used to sync this Venue with OpenTab. Only enter a name here when instructed to do so.

The Arryved App Description is to sync this Venue with Arryved Mobile. Only enter a name here when instructed to do so.

  1. Enable Digital Signature

Check this box to close tabs digitally in this Venue. It’ll enable the Digital Signature Screen in Arryved Service allowing guests to review, sign, and tip on their tabs using a POS device. 

  • The Digital Signature Screen only appears in Arryved Service when this box is checked AND the Enable Venue Tips box is also checked below. 

  • It’s strongly encouraged to have at least one Venue with the digital signature screen enabled so tabs can be closed in Offline Mode when the network is down.  

Leave the box unchecked if you prefer paper receipts to collect signatures. 

  • A Tip line is only included on paper receipts if the Enable Venue Tips box is checked below. 

  1. Quick Close Buttons

Check this box to have Quick Close buttons on the order screen in Arryved Service. These buttons are helpful for Venues that often handle pay-as-you-go transactions. 

  • The Exact $ button closes out the tab to exact cash. This includes any items that were just added to the order screen.   

  • Tap the Quick CC button to quickly swipe a credit or debit card to close out the tab including the items on the order screen. Tap the X in the top right corner to get to the Payment Options Screen where you can close out by a different payment type.

Leave the box unchecked and the same buttons will instead be the Hold and Stay buttons. 

  • The Hold button allows you to place items on hold and un-hold them. 

  • Use the Stay button to quickly fire the items on the order screen without leaving the screen. This way, you can keep adding more items to the order screen while the first order is already in the works!

  1. Enable Single Listing Menu

Check this box to view all menu items in a single list when starting a new order in Arryved Service. Use the back arrow to see the menu as Item Type buttons. with this preference, you can have it both ways!

Leave the box unchecked if you always want to see menu items grouped by Item Type in Arryved Service. 

  1. Enable Quantity Input

When items are added to the order screen in Arryved Service, there’s a button to the left with a number inside it. The number could either represent the Seat Number of the guest who ordered that item or it could be the quantity of that item being ordered, you’ll decide here! Each Venue can be different. You can tap on the number to change its value. 

Check this box if you’d like to easily increase (or decrease) the quantity of an item being ordered. 

Leave the box unchecked if you’d rather use the buttons for Seat Numbers in this Venue.

P.S. If you want both a Seat Number and a quantity button, enable the 'Use both Seat Number and Quantity buttons' Location Preference. You must be a Super Admin to access your Location Preferences.

Check this box to enable a search bar in Arryved Service, so staff can search for menu items quicker. This is especially helpful if you have the Single Listing Menu enabled. 

Leave the box unchecked to leave out the search bar from Arryved Service. 

  1. Enable Returns

Returns refer to the refund or exchange of an item. 

Check this box to allow items to be returned in Arryved Service at this Venue. It’s recommended to have returns enabled in Venues selling physical merchandise or handling the sale and return of deposits. 

Leave the box unchecked if you don’t want to allow items to be returned at this Venue. 

  1. Enable Floor Plan

Check this box to enable the MAP screen in Arryved Service that shows the Floor Plan you created for this Venue. A Floor Plan is a visual map of your tables in this Venue and creating one is optional. 

Leave the box unchecked if you’re not using a Floor Plan. You can add tables the simpler way at the bottom of this configuration page instead.   

  1. Tip Settings

Enable Venue Tips 

Check this box to enable the collection of tips from transactions in this Venue. 

  • If this box is checked, decide if you want to collect tips digitally or from paper receipts at this Venue with Enable Digital Signature checkbox above. 

Leave the Venue Tips box unchecked if you don’t want to collect tips at all from this Venue. 

Alt Tip Label

From the Digital Signature Screen or the tip line on a paper receipt, the default message reads 'Tip' You have the option to change the message here in the Alt Tip Label field. 

Order Screen Settings

Read the ORDER Screen Overview to learn more.

Enable Order Screen

Check this box to enable the ORDER screen in Arryved Service that shows a summary of orders, like digital tickets. This is useful for your Arryved Online Venue to have a view of your online orders. This feature can be used for your regular Venues as well. 

Add Order Item Type

If you’ve enabled the Order Screen, you can set it to display only certain Item Types being ordered. Choose from the dropdown list. If no Item Types are selected here, the Order Screen includes all of them. 

Retire A Venue

If you have a Venue that is no longer in use, you can Retire it.
  1. From the Venue's Edit Configuration page, scroll to the very bottom, and find the Retire button.
  2. Click on it, then click CONFIRM RETIRE
  3. From the pop-up window, click Proceed to confirm it. 
After you retire a Venue, your Arryved reporting will still include its historical data about that Venue. If you need to resurrect a retired Venue, reach out to Arryved Support for help.  


Now that you’ve customized this Venue’s configuration, you’ll want to add table numbers to the Venue in one of two ways: 

  1. From the Venue Configuration page, scroll to the bottom to add individual tables. 

  1. Create a Floor Plan

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