How To Use The TBLH Report For Special Events

How To Use The TBLH Report For Special Events

What Are The Tips By Labor Hours Reports?

The Tips By Labor Hours reports are used to allocate tips to employees by way of tip pooling by shift. Tip pool segments are created throughout the day by clock in and out times. Tips can be included in tip pools by closed tabs (classic TBLH report) or by tabs that had any orders placed (TBLH with timestamp by order report). You would be using one or the other version, not both. One great function of the reports is they can be filtered by Venue. This article will show you how to use the Venue filter to allocate tips to employees who worked a special event so they don’t interfere with the regular tip pool. 


  • Your establishment uses the Tips By Labor Hours or Tips By Labor Hours with Timestamp By Order report to allocate tips to employees. 

  • Must be an Arryved Portal Super Admin to follow these instructions.


  • These instructions will not apply to any other Arryved reports, only the two variations of the TBLH report.

  • The tip pool for the event staff will need to be manually divided and documented. The normal tip pool for regular business will be calculated properly in the Tips By Labor Hours report. 

How It Works

Step 1: Create A Unique Event Venue

Tabs that are generated from a special event can be separated from normal business by managing them under their own Venue. In Arryved Portal, create a unique Venue for your special event. When the event takes place, all event tabs should be managed under this Venue in Arryved Service. 

  1. Log into Arryved Portal.

  2. Click Venue.

  3. Click + at the bottom of the Venue list to create a new one.

  4. Name the Venue anything you’d like in the Description and Short From fields.

  5. Click Create.

  6. Follow the Venue Configuration guide for a refresh on customizing a Venue.

Step 2: Create A Unique Event Labor Role 

Employees working an event will need to be excluded from the normal tip pool taking place at the same time. To achieve this, you can create a unique non-tipped Labor Role so the employee can still earn pay for hourly work, but will not be included in the regular tip pool. 

  1. Log into Arryved Portal.

  2. Click Employees.

  3. Click Labor Roles.

  4. Scroll to the bottom of the list of Labor Roles to enter a new one into the blank fields. 

  5. Give the Labor Role a Name (e.g. Event). 

  6. Give the Labor Role an hourly wage. 

  7. Leave the Tipped box unchecked!

  8. Check the Clockin Required box to ensure employees receive hourly pay. 

  9. Choosing a Type is optional. This is useful for filtering certain reports. 

  10.  Points (Tip Points) don’t matter because the role is non-tipped.

  11. Give the role any Permissions needed. Read this article on Labor Role Permissions, if needed.

  12. Click Save.

Step 3: Assign The Event Labor Role To Necessary Employees

Now that the event Labor Role is created, it needs to be assigned to any employees that will be working the event and need to be part of a separate tip pool than the normal business tip pool. When employees work the event, they will clock in under the event Labor Role. 

  1. Log into Arryved Portal.

  2. Click Employees.

  3. Click View Employees.

  4. Click on an employee name to add the Labor Role to that employee. 

  5. Under the Labor Roles section, click + to add a new one. 

  6. Choose the event Labor Role you created from the drop down.

  7. Click Save.

  8. Repeat for all employees necessary. 


By adhering to the steps above, you will be able to pull the report details needed for payroll and tip allocation for event day. 

Time Card Summary Report

Hourly Payroll information can be pulled from the Time Card Summary report. Hourly pay is distributed by clock in and out times and hourly pay rates are assigned to the Labor Roles that employees clock in under. The event does not affect this report. Arryved Portal -> Reporting -> Operations (or Favorites) -> Time Card Summary.

Tips By Labor Hours Report - Hide Event Venue

Use the Tips By Labor Hours report to filter out the event Venue. This will exclude the tips rung in under that Venue from the total tip pool in this report. Then use the report to distribute tips to tipped employees working in the normal tip pool (not the event). 

  1. In your Arryved Portal, navigate to Reporting.

  2. Click on Operations or Favorites.

    • When enabled, this report is usually placed under your Reporting Favorites. If not, it will be under Operations.

  3. Click on Tips By Labor Hours

  4. Check the Hide box to exclude a Venue.

  5. From the Venue filter drop down list, click the event Venue. 

  6. Select the date or range of days you would like to view. 

  7. Click Preview or Download.

Tips By Labor Hours Report - Filter By Event Venue

Next, you will deselect the Hide checkbox and be sure to leave the event Venue filter in place with no other Venue filters applied. Click Preview again. This will now filter the report to only show information on that event Venue. At the top of the report you will see “Tips Collected,” this will reflect tips for just that event Venue. Use that number to divvy up tips to staff that worked the event. You can divvy up the tips however you’d like to event staff, but you do need to do your own math. Click to use the Tip Points Google Sheet to help do some calculations with Tip Points. The rest of the report will be ignored in this step because it pertains to the “tipped” employees in the normal business tip pool. 

What If The Event Already Happened?

Adjusting Labor Roles

If an employee that worked the event clocked in under the wrong Labor Role or if an event Labor Role was not created before the event took place, you can adjust the employee’s Labor Role afterwards. This will need to be done before payroll and tips are reported and distributed.

  1. Log into Arryved Portal.

  2. Click Employees.

  3. Click View Hours.

  4. Find the employee who needs a Labor Role adjustment. Make sure the date and time match the event shift. 

  5. Click Adjust

  6. From the Labor Role dropdown, choose the correct event Labor Role.

    • Be sure the event Labor Role was created in Portal before this step.

  7. Click Update shift

Adjusting Tab Venues

If a tab from the event was handled under the wrong Venue, it can be updated through Tab Search in the Arryved Portal. You can use the Daily Sales Summary to see a list of all tabs and their Venue assignment. Follow the steps below to change a tab’s Venue after it has been closed out. This requires the TAB_SEARCH Portal Admin Permission. 

  1. Log into Arryved Portal.

  2. Click on Operations.

  3. Click on Tab Search

  4. Use the calendars to select the date of the event.

  5. Find the tab(s) desired.

  6. Select the event Venue from the dropdown and click Update Venue.

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