Labor Role Permissions For Arryved Service Overview

Labor Role Permissions For Arryved Service Overview

What Are Labor Role Permissions?

Labor Roles are the unique job functions in your establishment. Each Labor Role created in your Arryved Portal can be given certain Permissions that will give Employees logged in under that role access to certain functionalities in Arryved Service. There are 14 Labor Role Permissions that can be applied to any or all of your Labor Roles. If a Labor Role is not assigned certain Permissions, Employees working under that role will not have access to that specific functionality in Arryved Service. This article will break down the different functionalities of each Labor Role Permission.

Note: Portal Permissions are assigned to individual Employees in Arryved Portal and provide Portal functionality to those Employees. Those Permissions are different from the Labor Role Permissions in this article. 


  • To edit Labor Role Permissions, you must be a Portal Super Admin.


  • All Labor Role Permissions are related to functionality in Arryved Service, not other Arryved Products. 

How It Works 

  1. Head to your Arryved Portal.

  2. Click on Employees from the left side navigation.

  3. Click on Labor Roles.

  4. Use the Permissions dropdown to select the Permissions you would like to apply to that Labor Role. Select all that apply. 

Labor Role Permissions

Click on any of the orange links for more information on that functionality in Arryved Service. 


Ability to void/cancel tabs in Arryved Service that have been paid. Read How To Cancel/Void Payments In Arryved Service for full details. 


Grants access to the Cash Actions tool and/or Forced Tip Claim in Arryved Service. Either tool can be enabled for your location, but is not available by default. Reach out to your Implementation Manager for more information on Cash Actions and Forced Tip Claim. 


Some of your Comp Types may require approval based on how they were configured. If an employee’s Labor Role has this COMP permission, they can apply Comps without needing approval or they can use their login code to approve a Comp for someone else who doesn’t have this Permission.  


Grants access to manage Inventory Items on the INV screen in Arryved Service. Inventory Items can be “Kicked,” made “Available” again, or a count can be added by tapping on the item. 


Grants access to various functions in the Settings under the STAFF screen in Arryved Service. The Permission includes:


This Labor Role Permission is not in use at this time. Employee hours can be adjusted in the Arryved Portal with the MODIFY HOURS Portal Permission.


Grants access to certain Quick Reports under the Reports button on the STAFF screen in Arryved Service. This Permission includes all reports available with the REPORT Labor Role Permission which also needs to be given to this same Labor Role for the MGR REPORT Permission to work correctly. Additional “MGR” reports include: 

STAFF screen -> Reports button ->

  • Sales and Labor Reports (Need the REPORT + MGR REPORT Permissions) 

    • Sales

    • Labor/Sales

    • Labor

    • Sales By Tag

    • By Channel

    • By Size

Note: Some reports listed above may not be visible to you based on your Location Preferences. 


Ability to place orders in Arryved Service. Labor Roles using Arryved Service should have at least this Permission if nothing else. Although, you can curate Labor Roles however you see fit. 


Ability to void and delete items from orders already placed via the Running Tab window. The ORDER ITEM VOID Permission also grants access to the Trashcan tool that can be used to quickly void/delete an entire order from the Details screen of a tab.


If a Labor Role is given this Permission the Employees can only view and access tabs that they own. If the Permission is not applied, Employees under this role can view and access all tabs in Arryved Service. 

Note: Tab ownership varies based on Location Preference. Reach out to your Implementation Manager or Arryved Support for more information. 


This Labor Role Permission is not in use at this time. Refunds are accessible by Venue. You can grant access to refunds in your unique Venues by Venue Configuration. Any Employee working under that Venue in Arryved Service can perform a refund. 


Grants access to certain Quick Reports and Closeout Reports on the STAFF screen in Arryved Service. Reports Include: 

STAFF screen -> 

  • Closeout

    • Venue CO

    • Location CO

STAFF screen -> Reports button ->

  • Tab Reports 

    • By Amount

    • By Time 

    • Unclosed

    • Emp Orders

  • Shift Closeout Reports

    • First

    • Cash Handling

    • Tips BLH

Note: Some reports listed above may not be visible to you based on your Location Preferences and configuration. 


Grants access to the different tip reports in Arryved Service. Please contact your Implementation Manager for more information before you use this Permission.


Gives the ability to transfer a tab to another employee that is logged into Arryved Service. To make a transfer without this Permission, approval is needed by someone with the Permission. Transferring a tab allows the new employee to see that tab under their “Mine” list on the TAB screen on any device they are logged into. 

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