Contact Arryved Support to enable the To-go Tracking tool for you.
Pro Tip! Create the TOGO Special Tab Tag. When applied to a tab, a ‘TOGO’ header displays across printed tickets.
The To-go Tracking tool simply warns you when the same ID number and Last Name were entered into the tool more than once on the same day. It doesn't track the number of times the same info was entered, nor the items that were ordered.
When the warning appears, It’s up to the staff member to decide if it’s safe to complete the sale or not. Arryved Service provides a warning, but it doesn’t block the sale.
For States that restrict certain to-go sales in a single day, here’s what to do when a guest makes that to-go purchase,
In Arryved Service, head to the TAB screen.
Tap New at the bottom of the screen, or find your guest’s tab from the list.
If you tapped on an active tab, tap the Order button.
From the order screen, tap on the Tab Name or where it says ‘Set Guest’ on a new tab.
From the ‘SET GUEST’ screen, tap the To-go button.
Enter the last 4 digits of the guest’s ID number and their Last Name.
Tap Ok.
One limited to-go sale has now been recorded on this tab!
Repeat those steps anytime someone makes a limited to-go purchase and if their ID number and last name are entered again on the same day, you’ll receive a warning that a similar purchase has already been made. You can decide if it’s safe to complete the sale or not.
From the warning, tap OK to complete the sale.
Tap Cancel if you decide the sale shouldn’t be made.