Inateck Barcode Scanner Setup Guide

Inateck Barcode Scanner Setup Guide

What Is The Inateck Barcode Scanner? 

The Inateck barcode scanner is your solution to scanning merchandise for quick sale. The scanner is compatible with Arryved Service and your Inventory Items. Enter unique SKUs in your Arryved Portal for any inventory items that have a barcode. Items can be quickly added to the order screen by scanning their barcode. This article shows you how to configure your new barcode scanner to your Arryved Service device. 



  • LASER WARNING: Never point the scanner at your or anyone else’s eyes. 

  • The barcode scanner shuts off automatically after 15 seconds of inactivity. 

  • When the scanner is on and paired, it may replace the Android keyboard. When the scanner turns off or is disconnected, the Android keyboard comes back. This is because the keyboard gets in the way of naming the tab when there’s a scanner paired. 

  • The barcode scanner can’t read barcodes on a screen, they need to be printed on paper or physical merchandise. 

  • The scanner can only be paired to one device at a time. If you need to pair it to another device, you must disconnect it from the current device.

How It Works

Steps To Follow

  1. Scan initial barcodes

  2. Pair scanner on POS Device

  3. Scan configuration barcodes

  4. Pair scanner in Arryved Service

  5. Test Scanner

Step 1: Scan Initial Barcodes

  1. Turn the scanner ON using the power switch on the backside.

  2. Scan these two barcodes below. You will hear a beep, but nothing will happen on any screens, this is expected. These scans put the scanner in pairing mode.

Step 2: Pair Scanner On POS Device

  1. From your Android POS device, tap on Settings from the home screen (usually a gear icon)

  2. Tap Connections from the left side. 

  3. Tap Bluetooth

  4. Find the scanner from the list. It’ll be labeled with a “BCST-70

  5. Once paired, tap on the scanner name again, and be sure the Text Input is toggled on. 

Once paired, scan this barcode below to save the setting.

Step 3: Scan Configuration Barcodes

This next part is easy-peasy. To configure this barcode scanner, all you need to do is scan the barcodes below in order. Then, move to the next step. These barcodes tell the scanner how to read SKUs when scanning your Arryved Inventory Items. 

** Arryved Support, skip this barcode for desktop configuration.

** Arryved Support, skip this barcode for desktop configuration.

Step 4: Pair Scanner In Arryved Service

  1. Open Arryved Service and log in. 

  2. Tap STAFF.

  3. Tap Settings.

  4. Tap Scanner.

  5. Choose the scanner from the list (there should only be one beginning with BCST-70). 

Step 5: Test Scanner

  1. From your Android POS device, open the apps list
  2. Find and open the Samsung Notes app.

  3. Start a new blank note.

  4. Scan any barcode you have laying around. It can be from the can of beer you’re drinking or the box of tissues on your desk. 

  5. If you see a string of characters appear (the SKU) with a pound sign (#) on the end, this means the scanner is configured correctly!

    • P.S. The pound symbol is how the scanner knows that’s the end of the SKU. The pound symbol should never be included when entering SKUs in your Arryved Portal. 


If you aren’t seeing a SKU appear on the Samsung Notes or you think you did something wrong, we can start over and try again. Scan the three barcodes below and then begin again from Step 1 in this guide. 

Enter Setup

Reset Scanner

Save Settings


Now that your barcode scanner is paired and configured, you can start scanning in Arryved Service! 

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