How To Create Labor Roles

How To Create Labor Roles

What Are Labor Roles?

Labor Roles are the various job functions employees can work in your establishment. They could be something like a Bartender, Server, Manager, Barback, Line Cook, or any other job that keeps the wheels on your bus. Labor Roles have their own pay rates, Arryved Permissions, and other customizations. 

Labor Roles are created in your Arryved Portal and then assigned to your employee profiles. In Arryved Service, employees can clock in under whichever Labor Role they are working for that day or shift. This article shows you how to create Labor Roles in your Arryved Portal. 


  • To create or edit Labor Roles, you must be an Arryved Portal Super Admin or an Admin with all three of the following Permissions:





  • Employees can only be clocked in or logged into Arryved Service under one Labor Role at a time. 

  • Labor Roles can only have one pay rate associated with them but can be overridden for the individual employee when adding the role to their employee profile.

How It Works

Watch the video below for an overview of building Labor Roles. Then, follow the instructions to create Labor Roles in your Arryved Portal. 

  1. Head to your Arryved Portal.

  2. Navigate to Employees.

  3. Click on Labor Roles.

  4. Scroll to the bottom of the list to add a new Labor Role into the blank field.

  1. Role

In the Role field, enter a name for the Labor Role.

  1. Per Hour

In the Per Hour field, enter an hourly rate of pay. Leave it at 0.00 for Labor Roles on salary. 

  1. Tipped

Check the Tipped box if the Labor Role will receive tips. Employees working under tipped Labor Roles appear on Arryved tip reports.

  1. Clockin Required

Check the Clockin Required box to require the employee to clock in and out when working under this Labor Role. This is essential for roles that have an hourly rate of pay. Clocking in and out of Arryved Service tracks their hours worked and calculates their pay accordingly. 

  1. Type

Select a preset Labor Role Type. You can filter certain reports by Labor Role Type. This is optional, you can skip it if you'd like.

  1. Points

Tip Points are used for tip pooling and need to be established with your Implementation Manager first. When advised, enter a Tip Point value here.

  1. Labor Role Permissions

Use the dropdown to select any and all Permissions to give this Labor Role. read Arryved Service Labor Roles and Permissions to learn about each one. Any employee working under this Labor Role will have these Permissions.

  1. Save / Retire

Click Save next to the Labor Role when finished! You can click Retire Role to make it inactive. 

  • You will not be able to retire the Labor Role if it’s still assigned to any employees. 


Now that you have built your Labor Roles, follow this guide on Creating and Editing Employee Profiles to assign Labor Roles to your employees. 

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