How To Add Employees In Arryved Portal

How To Add Employees In Arryved Portal

Employees In Your Arryved Portal

You can manage employees through your Arryved Portal including staff and managers. Here, you can assign them a clock-in / log-in code, and grant access to your Arryved Portal and Arryved Service with Permissions and Labor Roles. Use this guide to learn how to set up employees in your Arryved Portal. 


  • To add or edit Employee profiles, you must be a Portal Super Admin or an Admin with one of the following Portal Permissions:



  • To grant an employee the Admin role, you must be a Super Admin.

  • Admins must be assigned Arryved Portal Permissions. Read the guide to become familiar with them. 

  • You must create your business’s Labor Roles first, before assigning them to employees. 


  • If you need to remove or demote a Super Admin, please contact Arryved Support. 

How It Works

To understand how employees are managed in your Arryved Portal, you should know more about Portal Roles, Portal Permissions, and Labor Roles

Portal Roles 

Each employee is given a Portal Role that determines if the employee is allowed into your Arryved Portal and how much access they have to it. 


Employees left at the base Employee Role will have no access to your Arryved Portal. This is generally for staff that don’t have any managerial duties. 

  • Employees are given Labor Roles that grant certain privileges to the Arryved Service app. 

  • Only the employee’s name is needed to add them to your Arryved Portal. 


Employees with the Admin Role will have some access to your Arryved Portal via Portal Permissions. 

  • To create an admin, you’ll enter their name and email address. They’ll use their email address to log into your Arryved Portal. 

Super Admin

Admins can be elevated to theSuper Admin Role which gives them all Portal Permissions granting full access to your Arryved Portal. 

  • First, add the employee as an Admin with their name, email address, and selected permissions. Then they can be elevated to a Super Admin. 

Portal Permissions

If an employee is given the Admin Role, they must be given Portal Permissions that grant access to certain areas of your Arryved Portal. Read about each of the Arryved Portal Permissions here. 

Labor Roles

Any Employee who needs access to the Arryved Service app must be given a Labor Role. This includes staff, managers, owners, and anyone else.

  • Labor Roles are unique to your location and created in your Arryved Portal.

  • Labor Roles have their own Labor Role Permissions that grant anyone working under that Role certain access to Arryved Service. Note, that this is different from Portal Roles that are assigned to individual employees and grant access to Arryved Portal. 

  • Employees can be given more than one Labor Role. When they clock in or log into Arryved Service, they’ll select the Labor Role they want to work under. 

Adding An Employee

First, let’s learn how to create an employee with the ‘Employee’ Role that will have no access to the Arryved Portal. 

  1. Head to your Arryved Portal.

  2. From the left side navigation, click Employees.

  3. Click View Employees.

  4. At the bottom of the list, click Add Employee.

  1. Enter the Employee’s first and last name and click Add Employee again. 

  1. Click Add Employee one last time to confirm.

Adding A Portal Admin 

Now, let’s learn how to create an employee with the ‘Admin’ Role. This is done differently because their email address needs to be recorded to grant them access to the Arryved Portal. 

  1. From the left side navigation, click Employees.

  2. Click View Employees.

  3. At the bottom of the list, click Add Employee & Portal Admin.

  1. Enter the Employee’s first and last name and email address.

  2. Select at least one Portal Permissions. Additional Permissions can be added or removed later if you are unsure at the moment. 

  3. Click Add Employee & Portal Admin

  4. Click Add Employee & Portal Admin one more time to confirm.

Editing Employee & Admin Profiles

Now that the employee has been added as either an Employee or an Admin, they can be assigned Labor Roles, Permissions, and a Clock-in Code

Portal Roles

The checkboxes on the right-hand side determine what Portal Role this employee has. Adding an employee will automatically check the ‘Employee’ box. 

  • Do not attempt to make an Employee an Admin by checking the Admin box here. Instead, go back to the View Employee page and click the Add Employee & Portal Admin button so they can be entered with an email address. 

  1. Adding a Portal Admin with their email address will automatically check the Admin box. Admins can then be elevated to Super Admins if needed. 

Labor Roles

  1. Click the plus sign under the Labor Role section to add a Labor Role.
  2. Select one of your location’s Labor Roles from the dropdown list. 
  3. We advise writing the employee’s first name in the Description field. This will appear on the transfer list in Arryved Service so staff know who they are transferring their tab to. 
  4. Pay Override is optional. Enter a rate of pay here for this individual employee when they work under this Labor Role. If left blank, the employee will take the rate of pay assigned to the Labor Role itself. 
  5. The Department field is optional. What you enter here will appear on certain reports with labor information. 
  6. You can uncheck the Active checkbox next to the Labor Role to make it inactive for that Employee. 

Clock-In Code

After you add a Labor Role, the Clock-in Code field will appear. Give the employee a code between 1-6 digits. Codes cannot be repeated, each employee needs a unique code. They’ll use this code to clock in or log into Arryved Service. 

Portal Permissions

If the employee is an Admin, you’ll have the option to add and remove Portal Permissions. This section is hidden for employees with just the ‘Employee’ Role

  1. Click The plus sign under the Portal Permissions section to add a new one.

  2. Select the desired Permission from the dropdown list.

  3. Click the X symbol to remove the Permission. 


Click Save when finished tailoring this employee profile!

Updating Email Addresses

After you save the profile for the first time, you can go back and edit the employee’s email address if needed. You must be a Super Admin to do so. 

Related Articles

How To Delete An Employee From Arryved Portal

Arryved Portal Permissions Overview 

How To Create Labor Roles

Labor Role Permissions For Arryved Service Overview

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