MerchantTrack Overview

MerchantTrack Overview

What Is MerchantTrack?

MerchantTrack is your Arryved Pay processing portal accessible directly from your Arryved Portal. With MerchantTrack, you can view stats and reporting on your individual transactions, bank deposits, processing fees, and more! Use this guide to learn more about MerchantTrack. 


  • You must have your Arryved Pay underwriting completed.

  • Only Arryved Portal Super Admins can have access to MerchantTrack.

  • If you don’t have access to MerchantTrack yet, contact Arryved Support to grant you access.


  • Your MerchantTack login session will expire after a few minutes of inactivity. When this happens, you’ll need to re-login via your Arryved Portal. 

  • MerchantTrack includes data from transactions that are processed through Arryved Pay using the tDynamo card readers, on Arryved Service versions 2.0 and higher. Any transactions processed through TSYS/NMI will not be available in MerchantTrack. 

How It Works

Accessing MerchantTrack

  1. Log into your Arryved Portal as a Super Admin.

  2. From the left side navigation, click Company Settings.

  3. Click Merchant Track SSO.

  4. Click Sign In

  5. A new tab will open with your MerchantTack Dashboard. 

    • There are no login credentials needed to sign in. Once Arryved grants you access to MerchantTrack, it’ll recognize your Arryved Portal login and let you in. 

If you don’t see the Merchant Tack SSO page at all or are missing the Sign In button on that page, contact Arryved Support for assistance. 

MerchantTrack Dashboard

You’ll arrive on your MerchantTrack Dashboard when you initially log in. You can always get back to the Dashboard by clicking on the Dashboard tab from the left navigation bar. 

  1. Recent Funding Activity

Your MerchantTrack Dashboard has a shortcut to the commonly used Recent Funding Activity Report that provides a summary of the funds released to your bank deposits each day. This report can also be found under the Reports tab from the left navigation bar. 

  1. Click the View Report button in the ‘Recent Funding Activity’ tile.

  2. The search parameters are defaulted to the current pay week. Click Try search again with new parameters if you want to search for a different date range.

  3. A table will appear with a separate report in each row representing each day within the search parameters. Any days that did not have transactions won’t be shown.

  4. Click on the Funding ID number’s hyperlink to expand the summary and see a full detailed list of each transaction for that day. 

Pro Tip! Use this report to reconcile your bank deposits. Compare the data here with what was deposited into your bank account to catch any error that may have occurred (errors are rare, but they can happen!). 

  1. Recent Transactions

Your MerchantTrack Dashboard has a shortcut to the commonly used Recent Transactions Report. This report can also be found under the Reports tab from the left navigation bar. 

  1. Click the View Report button in the ‘Recent Transactions’ tile.

  2. The search parameters will default to the current pay week. To change this date range, click Transaction Report Parameters from the top progress bar. 

  3. Use this report to see a detailed summary of each transaction that took place during the date range selected. 

  1. Daily Volumes 

The Daily Volumes chart on your MerchantTrack Dashboard shows a comparison of your transaction volume by dollar amount for each day over a 31-day span. Use this chart to see which days had the highest and lowest transaction volume for the month. 

  1. Stats

The panel on the right side of your Dashboard provides a quick glance at a handful of impactful metrics including: 

  • Total Transaction Count

  • Total Transaction Volume

  • Last Transaction Date

  • Last Transaction Merchant

  • Last Transaction Amount

  • Last Transaction ID

Options From The Left Navigation Bar

There are 4 places to navigate to in your MerchantTrack processing portal. These options are available on your left navigation bar. 

  1. Dashboard

Click on the ‘Dashboard’ option from the left navigation bar to head back to it at any time. The Dashboard is the first thing you’ll see when you sign into MerchantTrack.

Click the ‘Transaction Search’ option from your left navigation bar if you need to search for a specific transaction that took place. 

  • This will pull up detailed information about the transaction for your record-keeping, however, if you need to perform a refund, print a receipt, or update the Venue, please use the Tab Search tool in your Arryved Portal.  

  1. Terminals

Arryved does not support the ‘Terminals’ section of your MerchantTrack at this time. Please ignore this option on your left navigation bar. 

  1. Reports

The ‘Reports’ option from the left navigation bar takes you to a list of reports you can use to your advantage. Find information here about your transactions, fees, bank deposits, and chargebacks. This is also where you can access your monthly Merchant Statements

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