Payment Preferences

Payment Preferences

What Are Payment Preferences?

Location Preferences, available in your Arryved Portal, allow you to customize the Arryved Product suite, per location, to meet your business needs. The Preferences are broken into sections. The ‘Payments’ Location Preferences allow you to adjust the tools and features that are available during the process of closing a tab and accepting payment. Use this guide to learn about each Preference in the Payments section. 


  • To access and edit the Location Preferences page, you must be an Arryved Portal Super Admin


  • Location Preferences are set per location. From your Arryved Portal, you must toggle between your locations and adjust Preferences individually. 

  • Some of your Location Preferences need to be enabled or disabled by Arryved personnel only. Don’t hesitate to reach out to our award-winning Support Team if you can’t find what you’re looking for in your Arryved Portal.

How It Works

  1. Head to your Arryved Portal and log in as a Super Admin.

  2. From the left side navigation, click Location Settings.

  3. Click Location Preferences

  4. Find the section titled ‘Payments’. Use this guide to learn about each Preference in that section. 

Click on the Question Mark Icon next to any Preference to learn more about it.

Comp Button Should Show Up On Payment Screen

Enable the Comp button should show up on payment screen Location Preference to add the Comp button to the Payment Options screen in Arryved Service. This gives you the last-minute opportunity to apply a Comp after you’ve started the closeout process. 

Extra Message To Display On Digital Payment Thank You Screen 

In Arryved Service after a payment is made and a receipt option is chosen, the last screen that the guest sees is the ‘Thank You’ screen. 

This screen includes:

  • Your Company Logo

  • Your Company Name

  • A ‘Thank You!’ message (← this can’t be changed)

  • A ‘Please return device to server’ message (← this can’t be changed)

You have the option to include your own custom message on this screen. It’ll appear in between the ‘Thank You!’ and ‘Please return device to server’ messages. 

Enter your custom message in the box under the Extra message to display on digital payment thank you screen Location Preference. 

Override Thank You Screen Company Name

On the same ‘Thank You’ screen that’s mentioned above, your Company Name that’s on file with Arryved is displayed by default. You have the option to override the Company Name and write something else. This is helpful if your various locations are referred to by different names. 

Enter your custom Company Name in the box under the Override Thank You screen company name Location Preference. 

Include ‘No Sign’ Button On Digital Signature

Enabling the ‘No sign’ button on digital signature Location Preference adds the Print Sign button to the Digital Signature screen. When this button is tapped, the tab will close out without a signature and tip selection on the screen. Instead, a signature receipt will print and the guest can sign and leave a tip the old-fashioned way, with pen and paper. 

  • You must have a receipt printer set up and paired with the POS device you’re using and the Venue you’re operating under, to print a signature receipt. 

Show ‘X’ To Close Thank You Screen 

By default, the ‘Thank You’ screen in Arryved Service has a hidden X in the top right corner. Staff members can tap the corner where the hidden X is to exit the screen and return to their tab list. 

If you’d like the hidden X to be visible, enable the Show ‘X’ to close Thank You Screen Location Preference. Please beware that your guests may attempt to tap the X after they close out and then will be able to view the TAB screen with the list of tabs. 

Transfer Tab To The Employee Who Closed The Tab

If the Transfer tab to the employee who closed the tab Location Preference is enabled, anyone who closes a tab then owns that tab and will see it under the ‘Mine’ view on the TAB screen when they’re logged into Arryved Service. 

If this Location Preference is disabled, then tabs are always owned by the employee who started the tab unless manually transferred to someone else. 

Require Staff Login After Digital Payment 

If the Require staff login after digital payment Location Preference is enabled, then employees are automatically logged out of Arryved Service each time a payment is completed from the Digital Signature screen. 

Prompt For Email Receipt In payment Flow

Enabling the Prompt for email receipt in payment flow Location Preference adds the Email Receipt button to the Receipt Options screen. 

If this Preference is disabled, then guests won’t have the ability to email themselves their receipt after closing out. 

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Payment Options Overview

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