How To Transfer A Tab

How To Transfer A Tab

What Is A Tab Transfer?

By transferring a tab, you’re giving ownership of that tab to another employee. Maybe a guest has floated to a different section or Venue, or perhaps they started at the bar and now have a table. With the transfer tool, tabs can be as free-flowing as you allow your guests to be. This article shows you how to transfer a tab.  


  • To perform a transfer in Arryved Service, you must be logged in under a Labor Role with the TRANSFER Permission. If you don’t have that Permission someone with the permission can approve the transfer for you. 

  • Enabling the 'Transfer on payment' Location Preference will automatically transfer a tab to the employee who closed the tab. If this Preference is disabled, then the tab will always be owned by the employee who started the tab unless it's manually transferred to someone else. 

  • It’s best practice to add the employee’s name in the Description field for each Labor Role that you assign them in the Arryved Portal. This replaces the Labor Role name with their own name on the tab transfer list. You can have both the employee and Labor Role names in the description for even more accurate information. 


  • If employees don’t have their name under the Description of their Labor Roles, they will only be identified by their Labor Role on the tab transfer list. It'll be hard to differentiate if multiple employees are working under the same Labor Role. See the bad example below. 

How It Works 

You can transfer any tab in Arryved Service to any other employee that is clocked in or in a Labor Role that only requires a login, such as a manager. 

  1. Open Arryved Service and log in.

  2. From the TAB screen, find the tab you’d like to transfer. 

    • Tap the Mine button at the bottom to view all the tabs you own. You can transfer tabs that you own or don’t own. 

  3. Tap on the tab when you find it.

  4. From the Running Tab Window, tap Transfer.

  5. From the tab transfer list, find the employee name you’d like to transfer your tab to.

  6. Confirm their name on the review prompt, then tap Yes

You’ll see the Running Tab Window again. Tap the X in the top right corner to return to your tab list. You’ll notice that the tab disappears from your tab list. 

Related Articles

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