Payment Options Overview

Payment Options Overview

What Is The Payment Options Screen?

In Arryved Service, when your guest is ready to pay their tab, you’ll choose a method of payment from the Payment Options screen. This article shows you how to get to the screen and outlines the payment options available to you. The payment options mentioned in this article will have a link with more information. 



  • In Arryved Service, there’s an option to pay with a written check, but Arryved can’t do any check validating for you. 

  • If you make a tab Tax Exempt, it’ll only exclude tax from Item Types that allow tax exemption. 

How It Works 

Get To The Payment Options Screen 

There are a few ways to get to the Payment Options screen in Arryved Service,

  1. Tap “Pay” next to any tab from the TAB screen.

  2. Tap on the box with the tab’s total price from any screen that has it. 

Pay Button

From the list of tabs available on the TAB screen, each active tab has a Pay button next to it. Tap it to quickly get to the Payment Options screen for that tab. 

Tab Total Box

On just about any screen in Arryved Service that’s specific to a tab, it’ll show the tab’s current total price in a box in the top left corner. Tap on that box to get to the Payment Options screen for that tab. This works for a quick closeout or an active tab.

Payment Options Screen

By using one of the two methods mentioned above, you’ll be taken to the Payment Options screen for the tab. Use the image below and follow the numbers with their corresponding description to learn about all the options available.

  1. Tab Information

At the top of this screen, you’ll find some useful tab information. 

  • The box on the left side shows the tab’s total. 

  • The middle shows the tab name. If there is a card on file, you’ll see a credit card icon present. 

  • The box on the right side shows the table number and Venue name below it. If there’s no table number selected, the box will read “N/A”. 

  1. Credit / Debit Card Reader

Tap on the Credit Card button to accept payment by credit or debit card. Once tapped, a window will pop up either prompting you to close out with the card on file or to swipe, tap, or insert a card.

  • Depending on the type of card reader you use, swiping may be the only available method.  

If you do not have a card reader paired, this button will say “Reader” instead. If you tap on the Reader button, a list of your card readers will appear for you to choose from. 

  1. Gift Card

Tap on the Gift Card button to swipe a Gift Card for payment. If the gift card cannot pay off the entire tab, please use the Partial Payment method instead. 

Gift Card Query

To find the balance of the gift card, use the Gift Card Query. There are two ways to find it.

  1. From the Payment Options screen, tap the Manual Gift Card button, type in the gift card number then tap Query

  2. Or, head to the STAFF screen in Arryved Service, tap the Gift Card Query button, then swipe the gift card through your reader. 

Learn More

How To Pay With Gift Cards

  1. Payments

Tapping the Payments button allows you to void a payment and re-open the tab. 

  • To void a payment, you’ll need the AUTH CANCEL Labor Role Permission.

  • The Payments button is grayed out (unavailable) if the tab is still open or if you don’t have that Permission. 

  • If there was a card on file, that information will be lost when the tab is re-opened even if you still see the card icon with the tab name. 

Learn More

How To Void Payments In Arryved Service

  1. Comp

Tap the Comp button to apply or remove any Item or Tab Comps to this tab before accepting payment. 

Learn More

How To Apply Comps In Arryved Service

  1. Receipt

Tap the Receipt button to print the guest receipt. This button is also available after a tab is closed.

  1. Partial

Tap the Partial button to complete a partial payment. 

Learn More

How To Complete A Partial Payment
  1. Cash

There are five buttons available to use for a cash payment. 

  • Tap the Cash button and a window appears prompting you to enter a numerical value. Enter the amount of cash the guest gave you. The system will calculate any change needed. 

  • Tap the $20, $10, or $5 buttons if that’s what the guest gave you, and the system will calculate any change needed. 

  • Tap the Exact $ button for exact change. This button can be used for a quick transaction even if the guest did not give you exact change, however, if the guest needs change, you’ll have to do the math manually. 

If you enter a Cash amount that is less than the tab’s total, it’ll treat it as a partial payment and prompt you to continue back to the Payment Options screen to pay off the rest of the tab (by tapping Yes) or leave it open and head back to the TAB screen (by tapping No).

  1. Manual Credit / Gift Card

If you need to manually type in a Credit, Debit, or Gift Card number, use either the Manual Credit or Manual Gift Card buttons. 

Learn More

How To Enter A Manual Payment
  1.  Tax Exempt

If a guest has a Tax Exempt ID, you can enter that here. Only Item Types that are set to allow Tax Exempt will omit tax. 

Learn More

How To Tax Exempt A Tab

How To Create Item Types

  1.  Check

Yes, we still live in a world where written checks exist! Hey, money is money! We’re here to support you if you support your check-loving guests! Use the Check button to enter a check number and amount. 

Checks and Tax Exempt Overview

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