QuickBooks Troubleshooting

QuickBooks Troubleshooting

Troubleshooting Your QuickBooks Integration 

With the Arryved + QuickBooks Integration, we’ve seen a few common reasons why your Daily Sales sync might fail, or data may seem incorrect. If you’re experiencing issues, follow the troubleshooting tips in this guide. 

Troubleshooting Tips

Are You A Super Admin? 

If you’re experiencing issues with setting up the Integration in your Arryved Portal, make sure you’re logged in as a Super Admin

Are There Typos In The Service Item Mapping?

When you created your Service Items in QBO, double-check that the names match the Service Items in Arryved Portal exactly.

  • Capitalization matters.

  • Spacing matters, see if there are any accidental double spaces anywhere.

  • Check for spelling errors. 

Service Item names in your Arryved Portal:

Service Item names in your QBO:

If you need to make an adjustment, change the name of the Service Item on the QBO side, by using the Edit button shown to the right in the image above.

  • To make your life easier, you can filter the Service items by the Daily Sales Category. Use the filter button on the top left. 

Is There A Typo In The Category Name?

In QBO, you needed to create a ‘Category’ to map all of your Service Items to. The Category must be named ‘Daily Sales’. Spacing and capitalization matter! Also, double-check that all of your Service Items for this integration are assigned to the Daily Sales Category. 

Does Contact Info Match?

On the Third Party Support Page in your Arryved Portal, the Vendor Name, Customer Name, and Email address must match exactly what’s in QBO. Spacing and capitalization matter!

Is Your Sales Receipt Depositing To The Correct Account? 

When you see your Daily Sales Receipts start to populate in QBO, you can cross-reference the Amount Received to your daily bank deposit amounts. If you can’t find a match, you may have to adjust the account that your Sales Receipts are being deposited to. 

  1. Log into your QBO.

  2. From the left side click Sales.

  3. Click All Sales

  4. From the list of Sales Receipts, click on one.

  5. Click Edit on the bottom right of the window.

  6. Find the ‘Deposit to’ field and choose the correct account (such as Checking). 

  7. Click Save (if you click Save and Send, you’ll need to enter an email address to send the record to). 

You’ll have to make this adjustment a few times, then QBO will start to catch on and do so automatically.

Still Having Trouble?

If you’ve tried all the applicable troubleshooting tips mentioned above, and you’re still having issues, feel free to reach out to our Award-winning Support Team for assistance. 

Any accounting related questions should be directed to your CPA or financial advisor. 

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