This article will provide a variety of questions and answers regarding your Merchant Account with TSYS. This is continuously being added to as time goes on.
The TSYS merchant account is boarded with ticket size parameters in place based on the industry type associated with the account. The Risk department monitors the transactions based on these parameters. If there is a large transaction due to an event or promotion that falls outside of the set parameters, the Risk department may hold the transaction for further clarification. It will send an email notification requesting specific documentation. This can include copies of invoices with a description of what the transaction was for along with the completion date. TSYS may also ask for 3 months of bank statements or additional documentation as noted in the communication. Upon receipt of the information requested, TSYS will review the transaction further for the release of the hold.
At Arryved, we do everything that we can to push your credit card deposits through on a standard schedule. Your credit card batch deposits will be deposited 2 days after the original transaction date. This can vary a couple of days if they are weekend transactions, we have a normal schedule here. If you're finding that your deposits are falling outside of the normal schedule, they may have experienced a delay due to protective fraud parameters set by the payment processor. While these protections may seem like an inconvenience, they are here for your protection to prevent any fraud. The TSYS risk department may require a review of the batches based on any of, but not limited to, the following reasons:
Higher than average batch amount.
Your TSYS account is underwritten for a particular amount of average sales per day. The review may trigger if the deposit is above a certain amount of the expected average amount
Higher than average ticket size.
See the above question about "How does TSYS handle above-average value transactions?"
Refunds without an offsetting transaction.
There is a refund transaction that does not have the original transaction in the same batch.
Exceeding your monthly average volume.
If you have further questions regarding any delayed batch/deposits, please email
How to Read Your Monthly TSYS Statements