How To Create Forced Modifiers

How To Create Forced Modifiers

What Are Forced Modifiers?

Forced Modifiers allow you to “force” a choice of modification or addition to the item when ordered. Forced Modifiers are applied to Inventory Items in Arryved Portal. When that Inventory Item is ordered, a window will prompt the user to select a choice from the Forced Modifier that’s applied. 


  • To apply a Forced Modifier to an Inventory Item, the Inventory Item must already be created in Arryved Portal. You can create Forced Modifiers prior to Inventory Items, but this article will show you how to apply them to your Inventory Items.  


  • To create or edit Forced Modifiers, you must be an Arryved Portal Super Admin or an Admin with one of the following Portal permissions: 




  • There are no preset Forced Modifiers, they need to be created for your unique business needs. 

  • Forced Modifiers By Size is only available in Arryved Service at this time. It's not available for Arryved Online or OpenTab.

  • Modifiers with an upcharge will take the tax rate of the item the modifier is added to.

  • Arryved doesn't support nested modifiers at this time.

How It Works

Forced Modifiers are usually in the form of a question or command, with options to choose from. The options that appear when a Forced Modifier is prompted, are known as the Item Modifiers. Item Modifiers are created to act as the answer choices to the Forced Modifiers, but can also be applied to items ordered separately (not forced). Forced Modifiers are created in your Arryved Portal and applied to Inventory Items. When the Inventory Item is ordered in Arryved Service, OpenTab, or Online Store, the Forced Modifier will prompt a selection. 

Examples Of Forced Modifiers

  • Meat temperatures

  • Choice of side

  • Choice of bread

  • Choice of cheese

  • Choice of toppings

  • Choice of sauce

In the meat temperature example, the Forced Modifier would say something like “How would you like that cooked?” and the Item Modifiers would appear as “Rare, Medium-rare, Medium, Medium-well, and Well.” 

How To Create a Forced Modifier

Create The Item Modifiers First

The selection choices of the Forced Modifier, also known as Item Modifiers, must be created first. For example, for meat temperatures, you'll create 5 Item Modifiers labeled ”Rare, Medium-rare, Medium, Medium-well, and Well.” 

  1. Head to your Arryved Portal.

  2. Click on Inventory.

  3. Click on Modifiers.

  4. From the bottom of the list, click +New

  5. Fill out the fields to create the Item Modifier.

  6. Click Save.

  7. Repeat for all Item Modifiers to be applied to the Forced Modifier.

Use the numbers in the image and the guidelines below to know what each field represents: 

  1. State 

Make the Modifier Active, Inactive, or Out (Kicked).

  1. Description

The full name of the Item Modifier that is visible in Arryved Portal and reporting.

  1. Attributes

The Attributes are not in use at this time. Skip this section. 

  1. Hints

Arryved Service uses predictive text to search for Item Modifiers. Type in a few keywords here that will trigger the predictive text. 

  1. Short Form

A shorter name that displays on the order screen and printed tickets.

  1. Type

At this time, only the Temperature type has an action. The other types are inactive. Adding the Temperature Type to a Forced Modifier will make that modifier appear first  on a printed ticket. 

  1. Cost

If there’s an up-charge or down-charge to this Item Modifier, apply a price here. Leave blank for $0.00. If adding a size for this Item Modifier, a cost is required.

  1. Apply Type

Selecting a category from the dropdown restricts this Item Modifier to only apply to Item Types within that category. 

  1. Size

If the Item Modifier is offered in different sizes, select a size here. A cost also needs to be associated with the size. Create separate Item Modifiers for each size.

Create The Forced Modifier

Once all of the necessary Item Modifiers are created, you will create the Forced Modifier next and apply the Item Modifiers to it. 

  1. Head to your Arryved Portal.

  2. Click on Inventory.

  3. Click on Forced Modifiers.

  4. From the bottom of the list, click +New

  5. Fill out the fields to create the Forced Modifier.

  6. Click Save.


This is how the Forced Modifier is labeled. This description will appear in the Forced Modifier prompt when the item it is applied to is ordered. 


The number of selections the users must make to complete the Forced Modifier requirement. The min can be 0 meaning the user does not need to choose anything.


The maximum amount of selections the user can make. This number can be anything greater than zero. 

Item Modifiers

Here is where you add the Item Modifiers to this Forced Modifier. Begin to type the Item Modifiers and the predictive text will generate selections. Click on an Item Modifier to apply it. Once all Item Modifiers are applied, click and drag them to reorder them if desired. 

Add The Forced Modifier To Inventory Items

Once the Forced Modifiers are successfully created, you will add them to the desired Inventory Items. For example, the meat temperature Forced Modifier can be applied to any meat or burger Inventory Items. 

  1. Head to your Arryved Portal.

  2. Click on Inventory.

  3. Click on Inventory Folders.

  4. Click on a folder of choice.

  5. From the folder, click on an Inventory Item of choice.  

  6. Click the Modifiers dropdown to expand the section. 

  7. Click + Add Forced Modifier

  8. Configure the 4 options. 

  9. Click Save.

Select Forced Modifier

Click to expand a list of all of your Forced Modifiers. Pick one from the list to add to this Inventory Item. 

Select Price Floor

This is how upcharges can be applied. The Item Modifier that is selected as the Price Floor will add no extra cost to the item. Any other Item Modifiers with the same price or lower will also have no extra cost applied to the item. Any Item Modifiers selected that have a price higher than the price floor will add the cost difference to the item.
For example, If the Price Floor is a $1.00 Modifier, then any other $1.00 or lower Modifiers can be added at no extra cost to the item. Selecting a $3.00 Modifier would add an additional $2.00 to the item total.

No Size Set

This is our Forced Modifier By Size feature. Select a Unit Size of the Inventory Item and the Forced Modifier will only apply to that size. Select “Apply to Item” to apply to all Unit Sizes. 
  1. Forced Modifiers By Size are only available in Arryved Service at this time. It's not available for Arryved Online or OpenTab.


Choose to have this Forced Modifier apply to this Inventory Item when it is ordered through Arryved Service or Online Store + OpenTab or All. 
  1. If you are using a Forced Modifier By Size, leave this field selected to ALL. If you choose ONLINE, an error message will appear when you try to save.

Related Articles

How To Create Item Modifiers

How To Use Modifiers In Arryved Service

Added Modifier Report Overview

How To Include Forced Modifiers In Online Store and OpenTab

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