How To Create And Send Insider Offers

How To Create And Send Insider Offers

What Are Insider Offers? 

Offers are one of the Insider Perks your Insider Members can enjoy. Offers are in the form of discounts, promotions, or freebies. You’ll create unique Offers in your Arryved Portal and send them to your Insider Members via email. From the email, Members can save the Offer to their Insider Wallet and redeem it the next time they visit for your mouth-watering menu! This guide shows you how to create and send Offers from your Arryved Portal. 


  • You’ve read the Arryved Insider Overview guide.

  • Your Arryved Insider program is active. 

  • The 'Arryved Insider Offers' Location Preference must be enabled by an Arryved Portal Super Admin.

  • To create Offers, you must be an Arryved Portal Super Admin or an Admin with one of the following Permissions:





  • Offers are only available to your Insider Members.

  • Offers are legally binding. Once an Offer is sent to your Members, whatever’s being offered, must be available to them upon redemption. 

    • For this reason, there’s a 3-day delay in sending Offers so that there’s time to rectify if any mistakes were made. Please double-check everything when creating an Offer before sending it, you wouldn’t want to accidentally give away the whole restaurant when you meant to only give away one appetizer. 

  • Only 1 Insider Offer can be redeemed per tab.

  • If your Members unsubscribe from Insider Offer emails, they won’t be able to receive Offers at all.  

  • Insider Offers and Rewards can’t be redeemed on the same tab.

    • Pro Tip!: To allow Members to redeem both Rewards and Offers, split off the Reward items, and pay the split tab with their Loyalty Points. You can close the tab out at $0. Then, use the Offer on the original tab.

  • Insider Perks are adding free items and discounts to your Members’ tabs. This may cause your overall tip collection to decrease. Here are two solutions,

    • Custom Tip: Point out the Insider Perks given on Loyalty Member’s tab and encourage them to use the Custom tip button on the Digital Signature screen if they’d like to account for the full service given on the free or discounted items. 

    • Set tabs to calculate tips off the pre-comp amount. Contact Arryved Support or your Implementation Manager to change this preference for you. Keep in mind that there are other scenarios where pre-comp tips may be a disadvantage.

How It Works

Offer Types

When creating an Offer, there are 7 Offer types to choose from,

  • Amount off Tab

  • Amount off Item

  • Percent off Tab

  • Percent off Item

  • BOGO

  • Free Item

  • Spend X Per Visit Get Y

To Create An Offer

  1. Head to your Arryved Portal

  2. From the left side navigation, click Arryved Insider.

  3. Click Offer List.

  4. Click New Offer + at the top of the page. 

Required Fields

Required For All Offer Types

On the Offer creation page, there are many fields you can fill out to make your Offer fully customized to your needs. Some fields are required and some are optional for extra customization. 

Below is the list of required fields for any Offer. If these fields are not filled out correctly, the Offer won’t be able to Save or Publish (meaning, send). Use this section of the guide as your official checklist when creating an Offer. 

Top Section

  • Offer Type 

  • Short Name

  • Name

  • Description 

Offer Limitations

  • (Max) Dollar Value of Discount 

  • Expires Morning Of ← (look for the calendar)

Offer Display (Email)

  • Subject Line

  • Target Activation Time ← (look for the calendar)

Required For Certain Offer Types

The above requirements apply to all Offer Types, A few Offer Types have some of their own required fields on top of those. 

Item-level Offers

For the Amount Off Item, Percent Off Item, BOGO, and Free Item Offer types: 

  • Offer Target or Exclusion Group required. 

Percent Off

For the Percent Off Item and Percent Off Tab Offer Types:

  • A new “Percent Off field populates in the top section. Enter the percentage number you’d like to discount off the tab or item. Don’t include the percentage sign. 

Spend X Get Y

For the Spend X Per Visit Get Y Offer Type:

  • The Minimum Spend field is required under the Offer Limitations section. 

    • This value you enter there acts as the X and the (Max) Dollar Value of Discount field in the same section acts as the Y. 

Each Field Explained

Required or not, this section explains how to customize each field on the Offer creation page. An asterisk next to the field name indicates that it’s required. 

Top Section 

  1. State

This field is not editable but shows you the state of the Offer. The Offer can be in the state of,

  • Preview: The Offer was sent as a preview to the email address that was logged into Portal at the time. This gives you a chance to see the real Offer and catch any possible mistakes before sending it to your Members. New Offers begin in the Preview state by default. 

  • Queued: This Offer is scheduled to send at the Target Activation Time.

  • Active: This Offer has been sent to your Members and is active (not yet expired). 

  • Exhausted: If there is a limit on the Max Total Saves Allowed, the Offer is Exhausted once it reaches its max.

  • Expired: This Offer is expired and can no longer be saved or redeemed. 

  • Retired: This Offer was retired manually and can’t be resent.  

  1. Offer Type*

Select one of the 7 Offer Types from the dropdown list. 

  1. Point Cost

Enter a Loyalty Point Cost here. This is the amount of Points the Member needs to redeem this Offer. If you leave the field blank, the Offer won’t require any Points to redeem it.

  • Remember, Insider Members earn 1 Point per 1¢ spent. Think about how much you want your Members to spend before they can redeem this Offer. 

  • If a Point Cost is entered here, this Offer only emails out to your Members who currently have enough Loyalty Points to redeem it.  If the field is left blank, the Offer is sent to all of your Members. 

  1. Percent Off*

This field becomes visible when you select either Percent Off Tab or Percent Off Item as the Offer Type. Enter the percentage you’d like to discount off this tab or item.

  1. Short Name*

Give a shortened version of the name for this Offer to be visible in smaller spaces in Arryved Service and in Arryved reporting. 

  1. Name* 

Enter the full name of the Offer here. 

  1. Description* 

Enter a few words or sentences to describe the full details of this Offer to your Members. Be sure to include all pertinent information!

  1. Details/Preview

On the right side of the page, there’s a preview of the details you’ve filled out so far. Use the preview to see if the Offer is turning out the way you intended. 

Offer Targets / Exclusions

If any of the item-level Offer Types are selected, the Offer Targets and Offer Exclusions sections appear below. 

  • This is required for the Amount Off Item, Percent Off Item, BOGO, and Free Item Offer Types. 

  • You can only use either the Target or Exclusion filters, but not both. 

  • You can use multiple Target Groups or multiple Exclusion Groups.

  • When using multiple Groups, If you selected a Size for the first Group, the other Groups must have a Size selected as well. The same goes if you selected Items. 

Target / Excluded Groups*

Click + Add Target / Excluded Group to select one of your Item Types. The Offer will apply to or exclude from that Item Type. You can add as many Item Types as you want. 

Target / Excluded Sizes

Click + Add Target / Excluded Size if you want to specify a certain Unit Size to include or exclude with this Offer. 

  • If you choose a Size for one of the Groups (Item Types), you must choose a Size for all the Groups you’re selecting. 

Target / Excluded Items

If there are specific Inventory Items you want to include or exclude, you can select them here by clicking the + Add Target / Excluded Item button. If no items are selected here, the entire Item Type will be included or excluded.

  • If you choose an Item for one of the Groups (Item Types), you must choose an Item for all the Groups you’re selecting. 

Offer Limitations

  1. (Max) Dollar Value of Discount*

Enter the max dollar amount you’re willing to give away for this Offer on a single tab. 

  • For example, if you’re offering 20% off a total tab, but don’t want to discount more than $500 off a single tab, then enter 500 here. 

  • For the Amount Off Tab and Amount Off Item Offer Types, the number entered here will be the exact amount discounted. 

  • For Spend X Get Y. The value entered here is the Y.

  1. Minimum Spend

If you’d like to require the Member to spend a minimum dollar amount on their tab before they can redeem the Offer, specify that here. 

  • Required for Spend X Get Y. The value entered here is the Y.

  1. Expires Morning Of*

Use the calendar to select an expiration date for this Offer. At 4:00 AM MST on this date, the Offer can no longer be saved or redeemed by Members. 

  1. Max Total Saves Allowed

This is the max number of this Offer you want to give out in total. 

  • For example, if you only have 100 limited-release bottles of liquor to give away, but you have 500 Members, enter 100 here and the first 100 Members to save the Offer can redeem it for one of the bottles! 

  • Leave this field blank if the Offer is unlimited. 

  • Something to keep in mind, if 100 Members save the 100 Offers, but only 90 of them come in to redeem the Offer, there’s no way to recover or resend the 10 Offers that were saved but not redeemed. 

  1. Maximum Saves Per Member

This field is always set to 1 unless changed. If you want to allow your Members to save and redeem the Offer more than once, specify the max here. 

  • Members will have to save the Offer again from their email to use it again. 

Offer Display (Email) 

  1. Subject Line*

Type in a Subject Line for the email that this Offer will be sent in. 

  1. Email Body Text

Add additional messaging within the Offer email if you’d like. 

  1. Target Activation Time

Use the calendar to select a date and time you’d like this Offer to be emailed out to your Members. As soon as the email is sent, the Offer can be saved and redeemed by Members. 

  1. Preview

To the right, you can see a preview of the Offer email. This is where your Location Assets appear. 

  • The horizontal banner-style image across the top is your Insider Email Header.

  • The smaller square image that’s next to the Save Offer button is your Logo/Load Icon.   

  1. Upload Image

Use the Upload image button to replace your Logo / Load Icon for this Offer specifically. 


There are various helpful buttons located at the top and bottom of the Offer page. You’ll want to click the buttons in the order they are listed here. Here’s how they work,


Click Cancel (optional) at any time to cancel and delete this Offer. 


First, select an Offer Type from the dropdown field, then click the Hints button to see which fields are required for this Offer Type. The hints will appear in red across the top of the page. 


Once you’re done filling out the fields, click Validate to see if you missed any required fields. If you’re missing a field, it’ll appear in red across the top. Any warnings in yellow are suggestions, but not requirements. 


Click Save when you think you’re done customizing the Offer or want to come back to it later. If you’re missing any required fields, red warnings will appear across the top. You must Save the Offer before you can Publish it. 

Publish Offer

Publishing the Offer sends the Offer email out to your Members. It won’t reach their inboxes until the chosen Target Activation Time

  1. Click the Publish Offer button. 

  2. Read the entire message in the Confirm Offer Details window. 

  3. Notice the small checkbox near the top of the Offer Details. 

    • It’s checked by default, meaning you’re about to send a preview of the Offer to yourself only. This is a great way to review the real-life Offer and catch any mistakes before sending it out. 

    • Uncheck the box to bypass the preview and publish the Offer. 

  4. Click the button at the bottom of the window to Publish the preview or the real thing! 

    • If the preview box is checked, the button reads “Schedule Preview Only” 

    • If the box is unchecked, the button reads “Schedule Offer Mailing” 

If you sent yourself a preview first, head to your email, take a look at the Offer, and make sure it’s squeaky clean. Then, come back to the Offer, click Publish Offer, uncheck the box, click Schedule Offer Mailing, and viola! The Offer is on its way.

  • Keep in mind, If you take a longer time to look at the preview, you may need to update your Activation and Expiration calendars before publishing. 


Once an Offer is saved or published, it can be cloned so you can save time when creating another similar Offer. You’ll need to change the Name, Short Name, Description, Target Activation Time, and Expire Morning Of date on the clone. 

Retire Offer

Click Retire Offer, then Confirm to delete this Offer forever. You can retire an Offer that’s in any state. 


Learn How To Redeem Insider Offers in Arryved Service. 

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