Arryved Insider Overview (For Merchants)

Arryved Insider Overview (For Merchants)

What Is Arryved Insider?

Arryved Insider isn’t just a loyalty program, it’s so much more! It’s your solution for driving traffic, engaging guests, and building loyalty in your community. Integrated with your Arryved POS, Insider provides flexibility to build a loyalty program catered to your brand. 

This is the starting guide that has all the information you need for Arryved Insider. We recommend reading this entire guide first, then clicking on each individual link to read the full scope of each topic. 


  • Read this guide if you are an Arryved Merchant. If you are an Insider Member for a food, beverage, or hospitality business, read Arryved Insider Overview (For Members) instead.

  • You’re “live” in your Arryved Portal.


  • Arryved provides the tools for you to implement a stellar loyalty program, but we can’t provide any legal or financial guidance.

  • Loyalty Point accumulation, Offers, and Rewards can be considered a financial liability. Please speak with your Accountant or Financial Advisor about the best way to report and analyze the Arryved Insider Perks.

Insider Perks

  • Insider Members accrue Loyalty Points at the rate of 1 point per 1¢ spent. This ratio can’t be changed, but you can manually adjust the total points a Member has, individually. 

  • Members won’t earn Loyalty Points if they are paying with a Gift Card. 

  • Loyalty Points are not earned on tax, tips, donations, or comps.

  • Only 1 Insider Offer can be redeemed per tab. 

  • Insider Rewards are items on your menu. It’s up to your own staff or signage to let your Members know which Rewards are currently available.

  • Flights can't be Rewards or be included in item-level Offers.

  • Insider Offers and Rewards can’t be redeemed on the same tab.

    • Pro Tip!: To allow Members to redeem both Rewards and Offers, split off the Reward items, and pay the split tab with their Loyalty Points. You can close the tab out at $0. Then, use the Offer on the original tab.


  • Insider Perks are adding free items and discounts to your Members’ tabs. This may cause your overall tip collection to decrease. Here are two solutions,

    • Custom Tip: Point out the Insider Perks given on Loyalty Member’s tab and encourage them to use the Custom tip button on the Digital Signature screen if they’d like to account for the full service given on the free or discounted items. 

    • Set tabs to calculate tips off the pre-comp amount. Contact Arryved Support or your Implementation Manager to change this preference for you. Keep in mind that there are other scenarios where pre-comp tips may be a disadvantage.

Membership Types

Arryved Insider is your loyalty program made your way. You can offer the program to any and all of your guests, or have an exclusive membership. 

Public Membership

Allows anyone and everyone to become an Insider Member at your establishment. They can sign up in Arryved Service when they close their tab or be given a link to sign up at the Arryved Insider Signup Page

Private Membership 

Have an exclusive membership and recruit Members on your own. Guests won’t be able to sign up themselves, you’ll create Memberships in your Arryved Portal manually. 

Insider Perks

Perks are the incentives your Insider Members can enjoy that keep them engaged, happy, and wanting more! There are four types of Insider Perks,

  • Loyalty Points

  • Rewards

  • Offers 

  • Discount Codes

Loyalty Points

Your Insider Members accrue points every time they spend money. 1 point is earned for every 1¢ spent. Points are kept track of in Arryved Service, Arryved Portal, and on the Member’s profile at Members redeem their Loyalty Points for Rewards and Offers

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Insider Rewards are your menu items that Members can redeem for free by paying with their Loyalty Points. You can choose which of your Inventory Items you’d like to give as a Reward and how many Points it takes to redeem it. When a Member has enough Points for a Reward, they can add it to their tab and pay with Points in Arryved Service.

  • Reach out to Arryved Support if you’d like to limit the number of Rewards that can be redeemed on a tab. So Members can’t use all the Points they’ve been saving to buy you out of house and home one day. 

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Insider Offers are created individually from your Arryved Portal and sent to your Insider Members via email. Members save the Offer to their Insider Wallets and redeem it, next time they visit your location. Offers can cost Loyalty Points or not, it’s up to you. Create Offers for one-time promotions, discounts, or free items to nudge your Insider Members for a visit sooner than later. 

Here are the 7 Offer Types you can send to Members,

  • Amount Off Tab

  • Amount Off Item

  • Percent Off Tab

  • Percent Off Item

  • BOGO (buy one, get one free)

  • Free Item

  • Spend X Per Visit Get Y

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Discount Codes

Discount Codes are unique alphanumeric codes that are redeemable in your Arryved Online Store for an amount or percent off the online order. Discount Codes are easily created in your Arryved Portal and can be given to anyone, anytime, your way. They aren’t limited to Insider Members.  

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All Or None Of The Above!

It’s encouraged to use a combination of Loyalty Points, Offers, Rewards, and Discount Codes to delight your guests. For example, you could set up Rewards to redeem for free drinks anytime, send an Offer for BOGO Appetizers this month, and send out Discount Codes for online orders. 

However, this is YOUR loyalty program, made your way. You can use one or some of the Perks, or you don’t have to use any of them. Maybe you want to design your loyalty program differently and we’re here solely to help you keep a list of Members. That’s ok. When you get set up with Insider, you’ll fill out a customization survey, letting Arryved know what you want and don’t want to use. 


Becoming An Insider Member

There are three ways a guest can become an Insider Member:

  • Sign up from Arryved Service just after they pay their tab. 

  • Sign up online from the Arryved Insider Signup Page. ← Share this link with your guests!

  • Manually added to the Member list from your Arryved Portal

Once signed up in one of the three ways, the almost Member is sent a verification email. They must click the Verify button from the email to become an official Member. 

Public Memberships 

If you’re creating a Public Membership, your guests can become Members using any of the three methods mentioned above. 

  • The receipt options screen in Arryved Service will have a Become an Insider button so guests can sign up. 

Private Memberships 

Private Insider programs won’t have the Become an Insider button on the receipt options screen in Arryved Service. 

  • A Super Admin can manually create a Membership in Arryved Portal. Recruit your own Members and create their Membership on your watch.

  • You can send guests to the Arryved Insider Signup Page when you’re ready for them to sign up!

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Members In Arryved Service 

Insider Members need to be identified on their tab in Arryved Service in order to earn Loyalty Points and redeem Offers and Rewards. There are a few ways their Membership can be identified: 

  • Swipe a card that’s saved to their Insider account.

  • Lookup by Name, Email, or Phone.

  • Start a tab from their Insider Wallet through the Wallet Query. 

Swipe A Card

Insider Members can have up to 3 cards stored on their Insider account. In Arryved Service, when a tab is started with one of their stored cards, the system recognizes their Insider Membership. 

If a stored card is swiped upon payment, it’ll be too late to redeem Offers or Rewards, but the Member is able to save the Loyalty Points earned on the tab subtotal, just in time! 

Insider Member Lookup 

Members can also easily be looked up from the Active Consumers screen. This is the screen where you’d name a tab or swipe to leave a card on file. There’s an Insider button that allows you to search for a Member by Name, Email, or Phone Number. Once found, their Membership is linked to the tab. 

Wallet Query

The Wallet Query is a button located under the STAFF screen in Arryved Service used to look up a Member’s Insider Wallet. The Wallet shows their Loyalty Point balance and any Offers they have saved. From their Wallet, you can start a tab that’ll be linked to their Insider account. 

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Members In Arryved Portal

In your Arryved Portal, 3 will be new Arryved Insider options on the left side navigation:

  • Offer List 

  • Insider Members

  • Pending Signups

Offer List

The Offer List page allow you to create and send Insider Offers, then keeps a list of all your past and current Offers and what state they are in. 

Insider Members

The Insider Members page has a full list of your Members. Click on a Member’s name from the list to view their Insider Profile including a dashboard of stats!

Pending Signups 

The Pending Signups page has a list of guests who began the signup process, in one of the 3 ways, but haven’t verified their email yet. 

You can use this list to nudge these guests and resend the email or investigate any signup issues here. This is also the page where you can manually add a new Insider Member.

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The Insider Portal

At, Members can sign into their Insider account with just an email address and verification code, no password needed! In their online Insider Portal, they can,

  • View their Insider Profile information.

  • View their accumulated Loyalty Points.

  • View their saved Offers.

  • View a receipt history of their last 10 visits.

  • Browse other establishments using Insider (others can browse yours!).

  • View the Arryved Insider Privacy Policy, Terms & Conditions, and FAQs.

It’s up to you if you want to offer this online Insider Portal to your guests. We can customize your loyalty program without it. 

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Guides For Insider Members

Below is some reading material for your current or future Insider Members. Feel free to pass these guides along. 


When your Insider program is activated, there will be 3 new pages in your Arryved Portal used to manage your Insider program. To view or edit those pages, you need to be a Portal Super. Admin or an Admin with the following Permissions:
  3. ALL ACCESS (includes Modify access)
  4. FULL ADMIN (includes Modify access)


Insider Activity Report 

Arryved Portal → Reporting → Statistics

Use the Insider Activity Report to get insight on your Insider Members' behavior in your loyalty program. The report shows your Members’:

  • Total spend 

  • Total visits

  • Number of tabs with a redeemed Reward or Offer

  • Total spend on tabs with a redeemed Reward or Offer

  • Total discounts in Offers 

  • Total Discounts in Rewards

  • Current Point balance 

  • Lifetime Point balance

Insider Adjustment Report

Use the Insider Adjustment Report to see a history of Loyalty Point balances that were manually adjusted from Arryved Portal. 

Unit Size Report 

The Unit Size Report has a Loyalty Point column that shows the Loyalty Cost for all of your Reward items. Items without a value in that column are your Inventory items that can’t be redeemed as a Reward. 


Please present your loyalty program plan to your legal and financial advisors to ensure everyone is on the same page. Arryved provides top-notch POS tools, but we’ll leave the business and legal advice to the experts. 


Your friendly front-of-house staff will be the ones to guide your Members through their loyalty experience when they visit your location. An educated team of staff makes for greater guest experiences. When it comes to your Insider program, staff should know, 

  • The difference between Loyalty Points, Rewards, Offers, and Discount Codes.

  • How you want to sign up new Members.

  • How to identify Members in Arryved Service.

  • How to store a card on a Member’s account.

  • How to redeem Rewards and what Reward items are currently on the menu. 

  • How to redeem Offers and what Offers are currently active.

  • Communication around tipping.



Your staff can help educate guests about your Insider Program, but guests can also be educated prior. Use marketing material to get guests excited and engaged! Ask your Marketing Team (or the one savvy person who’s helping in that department) to help promote your new loyalty program! 

Entice guests to become Members and inform them of the Perks you’d be missing out on otherwise. Arryved’s Marketing Team has put together some printables for you to get started! Print and display these posters and flyers around your location. 

Arryved Insider Emails

You can set up your Insider program to send emails to Insider Members when they accumulate Loyalty Points at your establishment. Insider Offers are also sent via email. You may want to consider informing your guests to look out for Arryved Insider emails and not to mark them as spam! 

Member Account

If you customize your Insider program to allow Members to use the online Insider Portal, let them know they can manage their account at 



Sold on Arryved Insider? Here’s where to start:

  1. Read all the guides linked throughout this one, thoroughly, and begin to think about how you’d design your loyalty program to meet the needs of your business. 

  2. Move on to the Arryved Insider Setup Guide to get started. 

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