Offers are one of the Insider Perks your Insider Members can enjoy. Offers are in the form of discounts, promotions, or freebies. You’ll create unique Offers in your Arryved Portal and send them to your Insider Members via email. From the email, Members can save the Offer to their Insider Wallet and redeem it the next time they visit for your mouth-watering menu! This guide shows you how to redeem an Offer for a guest in Arryved Service.
You’ve read the Arryved Insider Overview guide.
Your Arryved Insider program is active.
You have created and sent the Offer from your Arryved Portal.
Insider Offers are only available to your Insider Members.
Offers are legally binding. Once an Offer is sent to your Members, whatever’s being offered, must be available to them upon redemption.
If the Offer has a Loyalty Cost, the Offer is only sent to Members who have enough Loyalty Points to redeem it at the time.
Only 1 Insider Offer can be redeemed per tab.
Insider Offers and Rewards can’t be redeemed on the same tab.
Pro Tip!: To allow Members to redeem both Rewards and Offers, split off the Reward items, and pay the split tab with their Loyalty Points. You can close the tab out at $0. Then, use the Offer on the original tab.
Insider Perks are adding free items and discounts to your Members’ tabs. This may cause your overall tip collection to decrease. Here are two solutions,
Custom Tip: Point out the Insider Perks given on Loyalty Member’s tab and encourage them to use the Custom tip button on the Digital Signature screen if they’d like to account for the full service given on the free or discounted items.
Set tabs to calculate tips off the pre-comp amount. Contact Arryved Support or your Implementation Manager to change this preference for you. Keep in mind that there are other scenarios where pre-comp tips may be a disadvantage.
Offers are sent to you Insider Members via email in the form of a digital coupon. From their inbox, the Member must hit the Save Offer button to be able to redeem it on their next visit. Offers are saved to their Insider Wallet.
Offers are redeemed from the Payment Options Screen in Arryved Service when the guest is ready to closeout.
From the TAB screen in Arryved Service, search for the Insider Member’s tab.
Tap Pay.
Select any payment method and the Insider Customer Offers window will pop up with their redeemable Offers.
The Exact $ button will assume you’re paying exact cash and not redeeming anything. Don’t tap this button if you need to redeem an Offer first.
Credit Card and Manual Credit card payment options make you swipe the card or manually enter the card info before the Offers window appears.
Offers that aren’t redeemable won’t appear, such as the Member doesn’t have enough Loyalty Points, didn’t save the offer first, didn’t order the correct items, or didn’t spend enough on their tab.
Tap on the Offer they’d like to redeem.
Tap Apply Offers to redeem the highlighted Offer.
Whatever discounts or free items the Offer is offering will be removed from the tab.
The Member can then pay the rest of the tab balance by the payment method that was selected.
Knowing what Offers a Member has saved can help you curate a great guest experience. By recommending certain menu items, you can help the Member reach the tab goals they need to redeem the Offers. In Arryved Service, there are a few ways to see which Insider Offers the Member has saved to their Insider Wallet:
Wallet Query
Open Arryved Service and log in.
Tap the location name in the top left corner and select any Venue.
Tap Wallet Query.
Look up the Member by name, email, or phone number.
You are now looking at the Member’s Insider Wallet. You can see how many Loyalty Points they have accumulated across the top, and the list of the Offers they have saved below. Tap on an Offer to read the full details.
Once an Insider Member’s profile is identified on their tab, if they have any Offers saved to their Wallet, a new icon appears anywhere you can see their tab name. The icon looks like either a shopping tag, coupon, or badge. Tap that icon to see the saved Offers.