INV Screen Overview

INV Screen Overview

What Is The INV Screen In Arryved Service?

The INV screen (or Inventory screen) in Arryved Service provides quick access to managing your inventory. The INV screen has a list of all your Active Inventory Items where you can see which ones are available or kicked. With the proper permissions, you have the power to 86 (kick) items on the list, or make 86’d items available again with a quick tap of the finger. This article shows you how to manage inventory in Arryved Service from the INV screen.


  • If you’d like any of your inventory items to deplete as they’re being ordered, you need to enter a Quantity In Stock count for the item in your Arryved Portal. If you want the Unit Sizes of the item to deplete on their own, the Quantity By Size box must be checked. 


  • The EIGHTY SIX Labor Role Permission is needed to kick an item, make it available again, or adjust the count from the INV screen. Those without the Permission can view the status of each Inventory item from the INV screen but aren’t able to make any adjustments. 


  • If there isn’t a Quantity In Stock count for an item, it’ll have to be kicked or made available manually and won’t have a count associated with it.

  • Any Inventory Items in your Arryved Portal with an Inactive status aren’t visible on the INV screen list. 

How It Works

  1. Open Arryved Service and log in. 

  2. Tap INV at the top of the screen.

Items are listed together by their Item Types which are in order alphabetically. You can use your finger to scroll up and down the list on the screen. Or, use the search bar at the top of the list to quickly find an item. 

  1. Inventory Item

Each of your Active or Out(Kicked) Inventory items are listed in rows on the INV screen (excluding Inactive items). On the left column of each row, you’ll see,

  • The Item Type’s Name in all caps.

  • The Inventory Item’s Short Name in the middle with the largest font.

  • The Inventory Item’s full name in smaller font at the bottom. 

  1. Unit Size(s)

The middle portion of each row shows the Inventory Item’s Unit Size(s). If an Inventory Item’s Unit Size(s) has a Quantity In Stock count, you’ll see the count in parentheses next to each item. 

  1. Kick / Avail

If you’re logged in with the EIGHTY SIX Labor Role Permission, you’ll see the “Kick” and “Avail’ buttons. Without the Permission, they’re hidden. Tap Kick to quickly 86 an item or tap Avail to make it available again. This will update the status of the Inventory Item in your Arryved Portal to match. 

  1. Items In Red

If an item is highlighted in red, this means the item is Out(Kicked). 

  • If there’s a count on the different Unit Sizes of the item, the item highlights in red when at least one size has kicked. 

  • The other sizes will show their quantity left in stock in parenthesis next to the size. 

Items With A Count

Tap on an item from the INV list to add a count to an item. You can add different counts to the different Unit Sizes.

  • However, only if the Quantity By Size box is checked for the item in your Arryved Portal, can the Unit Sizes be 86’d individually. 

  • If the box is unchecked, once one of the sizes is 86’d the entire item is 86’d, regardless of if there’s a Quantity In Stock count added to each size. 

  • Adding or changing the count on an item in Arryved Service will update the count in the Quantity In Stock field in your Arryved Portal. 

Here’s an example of an item with the Quantity By Size box checked in your Arryved Portal and a few sizes out of stock. In Arryved Service, notice that the kicked sizes are grayed out and the sizes in stock are available to order. 

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How To Track Inventory Items By Quantity

How To Create An Inventory Item

How To Add Unit Sizes To Inventory Items

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