In Arryved Service, you can see the details of each order on a tab from its Running Tab Screen. From there, you can select an order to update. You can update an order by,
Adding or removing a Modifier, or changing a Forced Modifier selection.
Changing the seat number of an item.
Changing the quantity of an item ordered.
Remove (void) items.
This article shows you all the ways you can change an order in Arryved Service.
To remove (void) items from an order in Arryved Service, you must be logged in with a Labor Role that has the ORDER ITEM VOID Permission.
The Running Tab screen could look and work differently across your Venues depending on how you have them configured. Specifically, the use of seat numbers or quantity input will affect which buttons you see on the screen.
If a partial payment was made on a tab, the remainder of the tab can’t be changed in any way, it can only be closed out.
From the TAB screen in Arryved Service, tap on any tab.
Tap Details from the Running Tab window.
Each order placed is separated by sections. Look for the order you want to modify and tap the 'Change' button above it.
The order will reopen, make any necessary changes, and then tap Send to save them.
Adjust Modifiers
To change a Forced Modifier selection or remove an Item Modifier, tap on the Modifier under the ordered item.
The Modifier Window appears.
Tap on the Forced Modifier selection again to pull up the list.
Or tap on the Item Modifier to remove it.
Review the change and tap Done.
You’ve exited the Modifier screen, but you can still make additional changes to the order before saving.
Quantity buttons are only available in Venues that have the “Enable Quantity Input” box checked in their Venue’s configuration. If unchecked, the same buttons in Arryved Service will represent Seat Number rather than quantity.
Furthermore, the ORDER ITEM VOID Labor Role Permission is required to remove items or decrease the quantity of an item ordered (decreasing the quantity removes that number of the item from the tab). Without the proper Permission, the quantity buttons and red minus buttons are hidden from the change screen.
If you aren’t logged in with the ORDER ITEM VOID Permission, you can still increase the quantity of an item by tapping on the item and increasing the quantity from the Item Modifiers screen. This is still only available to you if your Venue configuration has the Quantity Input enabled.
Seat Numbers are available in your Venues by default if the “Enable Quantity Input” box is left unchecked in the Venue’s configuration.
If you have Seat Number Buttons, changing the Seat Number is very simple. Tap on the number buttons to the left of each item and pick a seat number from the prompt.
If the Venue uses Quantity Buttons instead of Seat Numbers, those same buttons will represent the quantity instead of the Seat Number. If this is the case, you can change the Seat Number from the Item Modifiers screen.
It’s possible that you’re seeing both Seat Numbers and a green plus quantity button. This means you have Global Quantity Buttons enabled for your location. Contact Arryved Support to enable this for you if you’d like.
However you made a change to this order, save your work by tapping the Send button from the order screen! You’ll see your changes reflected back on the Running Tab Screen.
How To Create Forced Modifiers