How To Use Printer Override

How To Use Printer Override

What Is Printer Override?

Your Printers or KDS screens (a.k.a. your Peripherals) are defined by various ticket types. 

For your default ticket types; Bar, Kitchen, and Receipt, Printer Override sends a specific inventory Item to a different ticket type destination, rather than the one associated with its Item Type. 

With advanced ticket types; Stations 1-4, Expo, and Other, Printer Override is used to route each Inventory Item that will be sent to any of those advanced destinations. 


  • Read the Default Printers Setup Guide to fully understand how printer or KDS ticket types work. 

  • To use Printer Override in your Arryved Portal, you must be a Portal Super Admin or an Admin with one of the following Portal Permissions:






  • Printer Override doesn’t send an Inventory Item to a specific Peripheral (printer or KDS device). Ticket Types can have a different Peripheral for each Venue. 

How It Works

When To Use Printer Override

Here’s a quick crash course or refresher on item routing. If you’re a pro already, you can skip down to the “How To Use Printer Override” section below. 

Default Ticket Types

  • Your default ticket types are Bar, Kitchen, and Receipt

  • When you create an Inventory Item, you choose an Item Type

  • When you create an Item Type, you choose an Item Category for it. 

  • Each Item Category is linked to one of the three default ticket types or to “no print.” 

  • By default, Inventory Items will print or display to the ticket type associated with their Item Type.

If you’re set on a certain Item Type you’d like to assign to an Inventory Item, but want the item to send to a different ticket type, use Printer Override

Advanced Ticket Types

  • Your advanced ticket types are Stations 1-4, Expo, and Other. They are not active by default. Talk to your Arryved Implementation Manager for more information if you’re not already using them. 

You’ll use Printer Override for each Inventory Item routing to any of those advanced ticket types. 

How To Use Printer Override

Printer Override is found on any Inventory Item’s creation page.

  1. Head to your Arryved Portal.

  2. From the left side navigation, click Inventory.

  3. Click Inventory Folders.

  4. Click on the Folder that houses the Inventory Item you’re looking for or click All for the full list. 

  5. Click on an Inventory Item.

  6. Look for Printer Override.

  7. Use the dropdown to choose one of the default or advanced ticket types. 

  8. Click Save to update the Inventory Item. 

Related Articles

Default Printers Setup Guide

How To Create Item Types

How To Create An Inventory Item

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