Sales Summary Overview

Sales Summary Overview

What Is The Sales Summary?

The Sales Summary provides a quick overview of your business’s bookkeeping for the current business day. The report can be viewed on a past date or range of days as well. The Sales Summary includes a breakdown of revenue, discounts, liabilities, payments received, and tips collected. 


  • For an employee to see the Sales Summary in Arryved Portal, they must be a Super Admin or an Admin with one of the following Permissions:





  • The default view will be the current business day, if a date range is selected to view this report, it can only be up to 31 days. If a range of more than 31 days is selected, a PDF will be emailed to you.

  • The Sales Summary is most accurate after batch time (the next day). Some fields only populate data after batch time.

How It Works

  1. From your Arryved Portal, navigate to
  2. From the left side navigation, click Analytics.
  3. Click on Sales Summary.
  4. The default view will be of the current (or most recent) business day. Use the calendars to search for a past date or range of days if desired.

Sales Metrics 

Net Sales 

Net Sales includes direct sales of any product offerings from your business. Net Sales does not include tax or tip. Net Sales may or may not include gift card and deposit sales based on the preference of your establishment.

  1. Contact Arryved Support or your Customer Success Manager for questions or to change your Net Sales preference. 

GC/Deposit Sales/Refunds

The total in this box represents the total difference in liability changes. (gift card sales + deposit sales) minus (deposit refunds). The GC/Deposit Sales/Refunds box shows a breakdown of this total.

Total Tips

Total of tips collected. The breakdown of this total is what’s listed under the Tips box. 

Add-on Tax Collected 

Certain Inventory Items in your Arryved Portal may have add-on tax, meaning tax is collected on top of the price of the item. All add-on tax collected will be totaled here.

Included Tax Collected

Certain Inventory Items in your Arryved Portal may have included tax, meaning tax is included in the price offering and is not collected on top of the price. All included tax collected will be totaled here.

Use Tax / CRV

Use tax is the term used to describe tax collected on deposits. CRV is the California Refund Value and applies to residents and businesses of California only. Any Use Tax or CRV collected will be totaled here.


RSF is a Retail Service Fee. RSF is a custom fixed %, of the price of certain Item Types of your choice, to be added on top of the tab’s subtotal as an additional fee. RSF is added pre-tax, so tax is collected on the RSF. Item Types may have add-on tax or included tax. If your establishment uses RSF, the total collected will display in the RSF row. 

  1. Contact your Customer Success Manager to activate RSF for your establishment if desired.

RSF Tax Calculation

Tax Included Item: based on the entire price of the item.

  • EX: $5 item + 10% RSF = $5.50

  • 10% Included Tax = $0.55

Tax ADDED item: based on pre-tax price of item.

  • EX: $5 item + 10% RFS + 10% Tax. 

  • $5 item + RSF = $5.50 + 10% tax = $6.05

+ Tax Collected

Total of the add-on tax and included tax listed above. 

+ Donations Collected

If you have donations enabled for your establishment, donations can be collected through Arryved Service. Here displays the total amount of donations collected in Arryved Service. 

= Total Revenue

Revenue is the total of everything mentioned above (from Net Sales to Donations). Revenue is any money collected. 

Item Discounts 

Total dollar value of discounts from Item Comps in Arryved Service.

Subtotal Discounts

Total dollar value of discounts from Tab Comps in Arryved Service.

Total Discounts

Total dollar value of Item Discounts + Subtotal Discounts listed above. 

Costs of Goods Sold (COGS)

COGS is referred to as the total cost of items that the establishment paid for the goods they sell. If COGS is enabled for your establishment, a cost would be added to each Inventory Item for each Unit Size applicable. As inventory depletes from orders placed through any of Arryved’s products (Service, Online Store, OpenTab, and Arryved Mobile App), the total of COGS for each item sold is added up here. 

  1. Contact your Customer Success Manager for questions or to activate COGS for your establishment if desired. 


Checks Average (All)

Checks are known as the tabs created through any of Arryved’s products (Service, Online Store, OpenTab, and Arryved Mobile App). Here displays the total quantity of tabs created and the average dollar value of those tabs. Total dollar value includes subtotal, tax, use tax, and RSF. Tips are not included. 

Checks Average (Excl $0 tabs)

Total quantity and average dollar value of tabs created. Same as above, but this excludes any tabs with $0. Total dollar value includes subtotal, tax, use tax, and RSF. Tips are not included. 

+ Checks Begun

Quantity and total dollar value of all tabs created. Total dollar value includes subtotal, tax, use tax, and RSF. Tips are not included. $0 tabs are included here.

- Checks Paid

Quantity and total dollar value of all tabs created and paid out. Total dollar value includes subtotal, tax, use tax, and RSF. Tips are not included. $0 tabs are included here.

= Outstanding

The difference between Checks Begun and Checks Paid listed above. This will show the quantity and dollar value of tabs that were left open.


Point of Sale Refunds 

Total dollar value of refunds through Arryved Service. Refunds are from Inventory Items or deposits. 

Portal Refunds

Total dollar value of refunds made through Arryved Portal -> Operations -> Tab Search. Details of refunds issued though Tab Search can be found in the Payment Adjustment report in Arryved Portal -> Reporting -> Accounting. 

Credit Total

Total dollar value of all Point of Sale Refunds and Portal Refunds

Voids | Rounding Total | Mgr Voids | Error Corrects | Cancels

Inactive at this time. These fields will always be blank. 

GC/Deposit Sales/Refunds

The total of all values in this section is the value listed in the GC/Deposit Sales/Refunds row under the Sales Metrics table. 

Gift Card Sales

Quantity and total dollar value of gift cards sold. Gift cards are considered a liability because money is accepted for a promise to exchange for goods of the same dollar value at a later date. Gift card sales are included in Total Revenue because money was in fact collected. Gift cards may or may not be included in Net Sales based on the preference of your establishment. 

Deposit Sales

Quantity and total dollar value of deposit items sold. Deposits may or may not be included in Net Sales based on the preference of your establishment. 

  1. Contact Arryved Support or your Customer Success Manager for questions or to change your Net Sales preference. 

Deposit Refunds

Quantity and total dollar value of refunds issued for returned deposit items. 

Payments Collected


Total dollar value of cash collected from closed tabs in Arryved Service. If the number is negative, more cash was refunded than collected. 

Credit Card

Total dollar value collected from card payments through any of Arryved’s products (Service, Online Store, OpenTab, and Arryved Mobile App). This reflects actual charges so tax, tips, and discounts are included. This number should match your Bank Deposit that hits your account. 


Any card payments that run through the NMI gateway. Most charges run though this processor.


Any card payments that run through the TSYS payment processor. Some locations use this processor. 


Any card payments that run through the Arryved gateway. Most manually entered card payments run through this processor from Online Store, OpenTab, and Arryved Mobile App. 


If your establishment accepts written checks, the total dollar value will be listed here. This reflects the tab total after tax and discounts. Any extra dollar amount entered over the tab total will be allocated to the + Cash/Check Tips row in the Tips box. Checks are entered in the Payment Options screen in Arryved Service. 

Gift Card

Total dollar value of payments collected from gift cards. This reflects actual charges so tax, tips, and discounts are included.


+ Charge Tips

Total dollar value of tips collected from tabs through card payments from any of Arryved’s products (Service, Online Store, OpenTab, and Arryved Mobile App).

+ Cash / Check Tips

Total dollar value of tips collected from cash or written checks. Cash tips would be entered in Arryved Service through the Individual CO screen or the Tips screen if using Cash Actions. Tips from checks are entered in Arryved Service though the Payment Options screen. If the amount entered is more than the tab total, the remaining amount will be allocated here. Cash tips will populate here after batch time (the next day), but tips entered through Checks will populate in real time. 

+ Gift Card Tips

Total dollar value of tips collected from tabs through gift card payments. Gift card tips will populate here after batch time (the next day). 

Total Tips

Total dollar value of all tips collected for all payment types. 

Till Tip Payout

Inactive at this time. This field will always be blank. 

Employee Tip Cash Declaration 

Ignore this row if your establishment does not use Cash Actions. This row totals cash tips that were manually entered onto tabs.

  1. Tip Claim: Arryved Service STAFF Tips Tip Claim button.

Deposits (generated in the end of day tool)

The End of Day Tool in Arryved Portal is an optional tool to be used for tip distribution and cash deposits. If your establishment does not use the End of Day Tool, ignore this section.

Cash Due

This is the 'Expected Deposit' calculated in the End of Day Tool on that date. You can find this info at the bottom of the deposited report in the EOD Tool under that same date.


The is the 'Actual Deposit' that was submitted with the End of Day Tool on that date. You can find this info at the bottom of the deposited report in the EOD Tool under that same date.

Over / Short

The difference between Cash Due (Expected Deposit) and Deposit (Actual Deposit) listed above. If the deposit is more than the cash due, the amount is over. 


Total Guests 

Quantity of guests that placed an order in your establishment. This value is most accurate if guest count is defined via the Guest button in Arryved Service for each tab. Otherwise, each tab is considered 1 guest unless it is split, then each additional split tab will also count as 1 guest. 

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