Tips By Item Type Report Overview

Tips By Item Type Report Overview

What Is The Tips By Item Type Report?

The Tips By Item Type report shows a breakdown of tips brought in from your Item Types. Each tab distributes a portion of the tip to the various Item Types ordered. In the report, the Item Types are grouped under their Item Category as well for additional insight. 

This report could be helpful for creating custom tip pools for the various job functions in your business or simply to analyze the relationship between tips and Item Types. This article gives you the full details on the Tips By Item Type report. 


  • If you’re interested in using this report, contact your Implementation Manager to enable it for you.

  • For an employee to see this report in Arryved Portal, they must be a Super Admin or an Admin with one of the following Portal Permissions:





  • This report should only be generated after Batch Time (the next day after transacting) because tips can be altered in Arryved Service before Batch Time.

  • Cash Tips can be added to this report by adding them on a check-by-check basis.

  • Tips in this report are not differentiated by type (cash, card, gift card, etc.).

  • This report only shows total tips by Item Type and Category. If you’re using it for an employee tip-out, you’ll need to calculate and document tips manually. 

  • If you search for data on the report over a range of days, data is totaled together, not broken down by date. 

How It Works 

  1. Head to your Arryved Portal.

  2. From the left side navigation, click Reporting.

  3. Click Statistics.

  4. Click Tips By Item Type

  5. Select the date or range of days you'd like to view. 

  6. Click Preview or Download.

Report Columns

This report is super simple! Only three columns here. 


In the first column, your item Types are grouped by their Item Category. This is useful for creating custom tip pools for certain job functions such as a percentage of tips from food allocated to the kitchen staff. 

Here’s a quick crash course on Item Categories,

  • When you’re creating Item Types in your Arryved Portal, you select an Item Category from a preset list of options. 

  • The Category should best represent the Item Type. For example, if you create an “Appetizer” Item Type, you’d probably select the “Food” category. 

Item Categories are used to route your Item Types to the proper ticket type (tickets either print to printers or display on KDS screens). Item Types under the Food categories route to the Kitchen, and beverage Categories to the bar, for preparation. 

  • Read the Default Printers Setup Guide for more information. 

  • Please be aware that if you alter your Item Categories for the use of this report, you may disrupt your Peripheral (printer or KDS) configuration. Feel free to ask your Implementation Manager for assistance. 

Item Type

In the second column, each Item Type ordered from the range of days selected is listed alphabetically under their Item Category. Item Types are unique to your business and created in your Arryved Portal. 

Allocated Tips 

This column shows the total tips allocated to that Item Type during the range of days the report is showing. Here’s how the allocation works,

Tips are allocated to Item Types per each tab. If 60% of a tab’s orders came from the Appetizers Item Type, then 60% of the total tips collected on that tab are allocated to the Appetizers Item Type in this report. 

Related Articles

Reports With Tips Overview

How To Create Item Types

Default Printers Setup Guide

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