Venue Stats. Report Overview

Venue Stats. Report Overview

What Is The Venue Stats Report?

The Venue Stats. report allows you to see how much revenue is coming from each of your Venues. This is helpful for seeing your top performing Venues, or if your Venues are hitting their goals! This article gives you the full details on the Venue Stats. report. 


  • For an employee to see this report in Arryved Portal, they must be a Super Admin or an Admin with one of the following Portal Permissions:





  • If looking at the tip information in this report, it should only be generated after Batch Time (the next day after transacting) because tips can be altered in Arryved Service before Batch Time.

  • Tips in this report are not differentiated by type (cash, card, gift card, etc.).

  • Cash Tips can be added to this report by adding them on a check-by-check basis.

  • If using this report to distribute tips to employees, you’ll need to calculate and document tips manually.

  • If you search for data on the report over a range of days, data is totaled together, not broken down by date. 

How It Works

  1. Head to your Arryved Portal.

  2. From the left side navigation, click Reporting.

  3. Click Operations.

  4. Click Venue Stats

  5. Select the date or range of days you'd like to view. 

  6. Click Preview or Download.

This report is split into two sections. There are two ways to show how tips are allocated to a Venue.

Report Sections

By Tab Venue

The top half of the report, the By Tab Venue section, allocates tips to the Venue in which the last order was placed. The Venue where the tab was closed out is irrelevant. 

There are two ways to change the Venue that a tab belongs to,

  1. By using Tab Search in your Arryved Portal. 

  2. Or, in Arryved Service, tap on the tab, then tap the Venue button.

    • The Venue button is visible when the Location Preference “Allow tab to be assigned to another Venue” is enabled by an Arryved Portal Super Admin. 

By Order Venue

The bottom half of the report, the By Order Venue section, splits the tip allocation between all the Venues where orders were placed from the same tab. 

  • For example, If 25% of a tab’s orders were placed from Venue A and the rest were placed under Venue B, then Venue A gets 25% of the tips and Venue B gets 75% of the tips from that tab. 

Report Columns

Whichever of the two sections of the report you’re looking at, the columns work the same.


All venues that had sales during the date range selected in this report are listed here alphabetically. 


The total count of Items sold from that Venue during the date range selected. 


The subtotal minus comps of all items sold in this Venue during the date range selected. 


Any add-on or inclusive tax collected from this Venue during the date range selected. 


Total from all tabs under that Venue from the date range selected.  

Tips by Tab

Total dollar amount of tips brought in under that Venue from the date range selected.

% of Tab Tips

The percentage of the total tips from the date range selected that is allocated to that Venue. 

  • For example, if $1,000 in tips were collected across all Venues, but the Bar Venue alone collected $200, The bar will show 20% under the % of Tab Tips column. 

Total with tips 

This number is the Total and Tips by Tab columns added together. 

Related Articles

Reports With Tips Overview

How To Create Venues

Venue Closeout Overview

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