How To Assign A Table And Seat Numbers To A Tab

How To Assign A Table And Seat Numbers To A Tab

What Are Table Numbers and Seat Numbers?

Table Numbers

In your Arryved Portal, you’ll create table numbers for each of your Venues to represent your seating or standing arrangement for your guests. There are two ways to create table numbers;

  1. Add table numbers to each Venue in your Venue Configuration.

  2. Or, create a Floor Plan for each Venue as a visual representation of your seating/standing arrangement. 

Seat Numbers

Seat numbers are a neat tool to help your keep track of who ordered what on the same tab. This is helpful for splitting a check later or delivering the correct food and beverage to the correct person without having to auction off the items. 

You can assign a number to each guest, and any order placed by that guest has their seat number attached. The seat number is visible in Arryved Service and on printed tickets. 

This article shows you how to assign a table number to a tab in Arryved Service using classic table numbers (not the Floor Plan) and how to assign Seat Numbers.


  • You’ve created your table number in each of your Venues in your Arryved Portal. 

  • To begin a tab and assign a table number, the employee must have the ORDER Labor Role Permission when logged into Arryved Service.  


  • If you’re using the Floor Plan method for table numbers, 

  • Seat numbers are available in each of your Venues by default. If your Venue configuration has the “Enable Quantity Input” enabled then seat numbers are disabled. 

  • If you want to use both Seat Numbers and quantity increase/decrease in Arryved Service, you can enable the "Use both Seat Numbers and Quantity Buttons" Location Preference.  This will only work for Venues that have 'enable quantity input' disabled in Venue Configuration. 

How It Works

Select A Venue

Table numbers are unique to each Venue. Before you can assign a tab to a table number, you need to make sure you’re operating under the correct Venue.

  1. Open Arryved Service and Log in.

  2. From the top left corner of the screen, tap on the Venue name. 

  3. Select the correct Venue from the list that has the table number you need.

Assigning A Table Number

Now that you’re in the correct Venue, you can assign a table number to a new tab or change the table number of an existing one. 

  1. From the TAB screen, tap New at the bottom of the screen to start a new tab or tap on an existing tab from the list.

    • If tapping on an existing tab, Tap the Order button next, from the running tab window. 

  2. From the order screen on this tab, the box on the top right corner will either say 'No', or show a table number. Tap the box to add or change a table number. 

  3. Select a table number from the list of this Venue's table numbers. 

  4. You can add to the order or not, but once you tap Send, the table number is saved to the tab. 

The table number and Venue name appear with the tab info on the TAB screen.

Changing A Table Number

If your guests change locations, you may need to change the table number associated with their tab.  They may have moved to a new location in a different Venue in your establishment, in which case, you'll need to toggle to the correct Venue in Arryved Service first.
  1. Tap on the Venue name from the top left corner of the screen to toggle to a different Venue if needed. 
  2. From the TAB screen, find the existing tab. The information in the center tells you which table number and Venue this tab is assigned to. 
  3. Tap on the tab.
  4. Tap Order from the Running Tab window.
  5. Change the table number from the box in the top right corner.
  6. Tap Send to save. 

Assigning Seat Numbers

From the order screen of a tab, as you add items to the order, you can update the seat number next to each item. 

  • Add an item from the menu to the order screen.

  • The default seat number is always seat position 1.

  • If seat numbers aren’t changed, all items will be under seat position 1. 

  • Tap the button to the far left of the item on the order screen to change the number. Typically, you’ll want each guest to be under their own number. 

  • Press Send to place the order and save the set numbers. 

Changing Seat Numbers

Seat numbers can be changed after the order is placed by,
  1. Tap on the tab from the TAB screen

  2. Tap Details from the Running Tab window. 

  3. Tap on the items you’d like to update.

  4. Tap Change.

  5. You’ll see the items on the order screen again. Change the seat numbers from there.

  6. Tap Send to save. 

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