How To Include Forced Modifiers In Online Store and OpenTab

How To Include Forced Modifiers In Online Store and OpenTab

Forced Modifiers On Online Store and OpenTab Items

Forced Modifiers allow you to “force” a choice of modification or addition to the item at the time it's ordered. Forced Modifiers are created and applied to Inventory Items from your Arryved Portal. When that Inventory Item is ordered in Arryved Service, OpenTab, or Arryved Online, the user is prompted to make a choice. Use this guide to learn how to add Forced Modifiers on menu Items in your Arryved Online Store and OpenTab.


  • Create your Item Modifiers in your Arryved Portal first.

  • You must be set up with Arryved Online, OpenTab, or both. 

  • To apply Forced Modifiers to Inventory, you must be a Portal Super Admin or an Admin with one of the following Portal permissions: 




How It Works 

In your Arryved Portal, you've created your Item Modifiers that can be applied to Inventory Items as a Forced Modifier. When creating a Forced Modifier, you can specify if you want the Forced Mod to apply to the item when it's ordered through Arryved Service, Arryved Online + OpenTab, or Both. 

How To Add The Forced Modifier To Arryved Online & OpenTab

  1. Head to your Arryved Portal.

  2. From the left side navigation, click Inventory.

  3. Click Inventory Folders.

  4. Click a Folder of choice.

  5. From the folder, click on an Inventory Item of choice.  

  6. Scroll down and click Modifiers to expand the section. 

  7. Click + Add Forced Modifier

  8. From the ALL dropdown, select either ONLINE or ALL to include this Forced Modifier in your Online Store and OpenTab.

    1. ALL = Arryved Service, Arryved Online, and OpenTab.

    2.  ONLINE = Arryved Online and OpenTab only.

  9. Click Save.

How To Customize The Forced Modifier

Here are the other fields of the Forced Modifier explained: 
  1. Select Forced Modifier: Click to expand a list of all of your Item Modifiers. Pick one from the list to make it a Forced Modifier on this Inventory Item. 
  2. Select Price Floor: This is how up charges or down charges can be applied. The Item Modifier that is selected as the Price Floor will add no extra cost to the item if chosen from the Forced Mod screen. Other Item Modifiers applied will either add a cost or decrease the cost depending on whether the cost of the Item Modifier is more or less than the price of the Price Floor Item Modifier. 
  3. No Size Set: Select a Unit Size of the Inventory Item and the Forced Modifier only applies to the item when it's ordered in that size. Select “Apply to Item” to include all Unit Sizes. 
  4. ALL: Choose to have this Forced Modifier apply to this Inventory Item when it is ordered through Arryved Service, or Arryved Online + OpenTab, or both. 

An Online View Of Your Forced Modifiers 

Here's what Your Forced Modifiers look like when the item is ordered through your Arryved Online Store. The same Forced Modifier window appears when the item is ordered through OpenTab, too! 

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