How To Pay With Gift Cards In Arryved Service

How To Pay With Gift Cards In Arryved Service

Gift Cards In Arryved Service

Gift cards are a great way to satisfy your loyal guests and bring in new ones. Luckily, gift cards are one of the payment options available in Arryved Service! This article shows you how to accept a gift card as payment for a tab or single transaction. 



  • If there is enough of a balance on the gift card to pay the total of the tab, the tip amount selected can’t make the new total exceed the balance of the gift card. If so, the payment will fail.

How It Works

You can choose gift card as one of the options on the Payment Options screen. Let’s get you there! 

Closing Out An Active Tab 

  1. Log into Arryved Service.

  2. From the TAB screen, Tap the Pay button and arrive at the Payment Options screen.

Quick Close Transaction 

  1. From the TAB screen in Arryved Service, tap New to begin a new order.

  2. Add items to the order screen.

  3. Tap the box in the top left corner that displays the total price of the order. This takes you to the Payment Options screen. 

Gift Card Payment

From the Payment Options screen, you can swipe the physical card with your card reader, or you can manually enter the card number.


  1. Tap the Gift Card button.

  2. Make sure the reader is active and swipe the gift card. 

  3. The digital signature screen will appear or a printed signature receipt will print. 

Manual entry

Tap the Manual Gift Card button.

  • Tap the Prefix button to enter your Gift Card Prefixes if this applies to you.  

  • Enter the gift card number and tap Query to see the balance on the card. You’ll need to do this first before the Pay button becomes available. 

  • Then, tap Pay to pay with the gift card.

The digital signature screen will appear or a printed signature receipt will print. 

Partial Payment

If the total of the tab is more than the balance of the gift card, it’ll treat it as a partial payment and prompt you to complete another payment. 

Related Articles

How To Create a Gift Card Item
How To Enter Gift Card Prefixes
How To Use The Gift Card Tool In Arryved Portal
How To Sell Gift Cards In Arryved Service

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