Item Tags Overview

Item Tags Overview

What Are Item Tags?

Item Tags are a snazzy tool used to filter Arryved reports. For example, you can see how your IPAs are selling compared to your stouts. Or, your bourbon compared to rye. Choose Item Tags from our broad preset list to apply to your Inventory Items in your Arryved Portal. Aside from being a reporting tool, there are a handful of special Item Tags that when applied, unlock special powers for that Inventory Item. Read this article to learn more about Item Tags and how to apply them to your inventory. 


  • To add Item Tags to your Inventory Item in Arryved Portal, you must be a Super Admin or an Admin with one of the following Portal Permissions,






  • Item Tags are chosen from a preset list created by Arryved. You can't create your own Item Tags.

  • If you change the price on one of your deposit items, those deposits that are current in Arryved Service won't preserve the original price and when refunded will instead be refunded to the new price. It's recommended to create a new deposit item with the intended new price and retire the old deposit items when no longer in circulation.

How It Works

Applying Item Tags

  1. Head to your Arryved Portal.

  2. From the left side navigation, click Inventory.

  3. Click Inventory Folders.

  4. Click into a Folder or click (+) to create a new one.

  5. Click on an existing Inventory Item or click on New Item + to create a new one. 

  6. Click the arrow next to Tags to expand the section. 

  7. Click + Add Tag

  8. Use the dropdown to select an Item Tag from the list. 

    • Click (+) again to add another tag. 

    • Click (-) to delete an Item Tag.

Special Item Tags

Most of the time, Item Tags are used to label the Inventory Item so it can be filtered in your Arryved reports. In addition, a few of Arryved’s Item Tags give the Inventory Item special powers. 


The OPEN Item Tag allows the Inventory Item to have varying prices. When the item is added to the order screen in Arryved Service, a window appears prompting you to enter a desired price for the item. You can enter a different price each time the item is ordered. This is helpful for market-priced items or price by weight. 


A flight is created as an Inventory Item in your Arryved Portal. When the FLIGHT Item Tag is applied, it unlocks the Flight Tool! Use the Flight Tool to customize the flight offering. 


Like flights, gift cards are created in your Arryved Portal as an inventory Item that’ll be sold through Arryved Service. When the GIFTCARD Item Tag is applied, the Inventory Item is treated as a liability when sold. It also includes the OPEN Item Tag, meaning the desired balance of the gift card can be entered at the time of purchase. 

Deposit Tags

Like flights and gift cards, deposits are created as Inventory Items in your Arryved Portal and can be easily sold and returned through Arryved Service. When a Deposit Item Tag is added, the sale of the Inventory Item is treated as a liability. There are 4 different Deposit Item Tags to choose from.





They all operate the same and are only labeled differently so you can create different types of deposit items and separate them out in your reporting. If your deposits have varying prices, you can use the OPEN Item Tag in conjunction with any of these Deposit Item Tags.


When the DESCRIPTION Item Tag is applied to an Inventory Item, a prompt appears in Arryved Service allowing you to change the name of the item when added to the order screen. This is helpful for times when a guest wants to order something that isn't on the menu and you want to allow it! Keep in mind that description appears in Arryved Service, but not on printed prep tickets. 

The DESCRIPTION tag is also useful to pair with any of the Deposit Tags. The description entered will appear on the Deposit Screen with the Deposit Item. Here's a useful scenario; An Event Deposit could have a description of "Smith Wedding @6:00 in the Barrel Room" that'll appear with the deposit details. 

Related Articles

How To Create An Inventory Item

How To Create a Flight

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How To Create A Deposit Item

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