How To Enter A Manual Payment

How To Enter A Manual Payment

What Is A Manual Payment?

If your guest is paying their tab with a credit, debit, or gift card, you can swipe it through your card reader for quick payment. If for whatever reason, the card reader isn’t working or you don’t have the physical gift card, no problem, we have a backup plan! With manual entry’s magic, you don’t have to sweat it! This article shows you how to manually enter card information to start a tab or accept payment in Arryved Service. 


  • It’s best to have the physical credit or debit card on hand. You need the following card information for manual entry,

    • Name on card

    • Card number

    • Expiration date

    • CVV code

  • For a gift card, you’ll need the gift card number for manual entry. 


  • A gift card can’t be used to start a tab with a card on file. It can only be used to accept payment at closeout. 

How It Works

Card on File 

Good news! You can leave a tab open with a card on file with manual entry. The manual card entry lives in the Active Consumers window where you’d change the tab name.

  1. Log into Arryved Service.

  2. From the TAB screen, tap New to begin a new tab.

    • or tap on an active tab from the tab list, then tap Order.

  3. From the new tab, tap 'Set Guest' at the top of the order screen.

    • Or for an active tab, tap on the tab’s name at the top of the order screen.

  1. You’re now on the SET GUEST window. Tap on the three vertical dots on the top right of the window. 

  2. Tap Manual Credit.

  1. Enter the card information and tap Next when you’re finished. 

    • If there’s already a name for this tab, it’ll be highlighted so you can replace it with the name of the card if needed. 

  1. You’ll be taken back to the order screen.

    • The name you entered with the card information becomes the tab name.

    • You’ll see a credit card icon present under the tab name, this tells you there’s a card on file.

  2. Add items to the order screen or don’t, but once you tap Send, the card information is saved to the tab. 

    • If you tap Cancel instead of Send from the order screen, the manual entry will be lost. 


Here’s how to use manual entry at the time of closeout for either a gift card or credit/debit card. The key here is to get to the Payment Options screen for the tab. 

For An Active Tab

  1. Log into Arryved Service.

  2. From the TAB screen, Tap the Pay button to get to the Payment Options screen.

For A Quick Close

  1. From the TAB screen in Arryved Service, tap New to begin a new order.

  2. Add items to the order screen.

  3. To get to the payment options, click the box with the subtotal in the top left corner.

Payment Options Screen

Now that you’re on the Payment Options screen for this active tab or quick close transaction, you can tap either the Manual Credit or Manual Gift Card Buttons. 

For Manual Credit or Debit Card entry, 

  • Tap Manual Credit.

  • Enter the card information and tap Next to complete.

  • Either the Digital Signature screen will appear where the guest can sign and leave a gratuity, or a paper signature receipt will print. 

For Manual Gift Card entry,

  • Tap Manual Gift Card.

  • Tap the Prefix button to enter your Gift Card Prefixes if this applies to you.  

  • Enter the gift card number and tap Query to see the balance on the card.

  • Tap Pay to pay with the card.

  • Once paid, either the Digital Signature screen will appear where the guest can sign and leave a gratuity, or a paper signature receipt will print. 

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