Tips by Labor Hours With Timestamp by Order Report Overview

Tips by Labor Hours With Timestamp by Order Report Overview

What Is The Tips By Labor Hours Report (With Timestamp By Order)?

The Tips By Labor Hours report is used to manage tip pools by shift. Tip pool segments are created throughout the day bookended by clock-in/clock-out times for tipped employees.

There are two versions of the Tips By Labor Hours report, but you would use one or the other. This article describes Tips By Labor Hours With Timestamp By Order, where tips are allocated to tip pools based on the time each order was placed regardless of when the tab was closed out. The other version of the report allocates tips to the current tip pool at the time the tab is closed out. Read the Tips By Labor Hour Report article for more information on the original version. 

→ Check out the TBLH With Timestamp By Order lesson in the Arryved Academy Tips Course for video and guided learning. If it's your first time in the Arryved Academy, you may need an access code. Contact your Implementation Manager.


  • If you would like to use this report, contact your Implementation Manager to enable it.

  • For an Employee to see this report in Arryved Portal, they must be a Super Admin or an Admin with one of the three of the following Portal Permissions:



  • This report is designed to be used after batch time, meaning the next business day after transacting. 

  • It’s recommended to double check that hours are correct and make any adjustments before generating the report. 

    • Go to: Arryved Portal -> Employees -> View Hours.

  • Tips in this report aren’t differentiated by type (cash, card, gift card, etc.).

  • Only employees clocked in with a Tipped Labor Role will be included in this report. At least 1 Tip Point is required for all tipped employees to be included in this report. 

    • Go to: Arryved Portal -> Employees -> Labor Roles.

  • If tips are collected under an employee who’s Labor Role was not Clockin Required (meaning they were just logged into Arryved Service, but not clocked in) the tips will be allocated to the “WITH NO CLOCK IN” filed in this report. 

How It Works

  1. In your Arryved Portal, navigate to Reporting.

  2. Click on Operations or Favorites.

    • When enabled, this report is usually placed under your Reporting Favorites, if not, it will be under Operations.

  3. Click on Tips By Labor Hours

  4. Select the date or range of days you would like to view. 

  5. Click Preview or Download.

Tip Pooling

Tips are allocated to employees using the tip pooling by shift method.

Standard Calculation

The Tips By Labor Hours with timestamp by order report is used to calculate tip pools by shifts. Tip pool segments are created throughout the day bookended by clock-in/clock-out times for tipped employees. Tips that made it into that tip pool segment, will be divided equally by the tipped employees who worked during that time segment. All tipped employees have an equal amount of Tip Points assigned to them (e.x. All tipped Labor Roles are assigned 1 Tip Point). 

Timestamp By Order

If 75% of orders from a tab were placed during tip pool segment A and 25% of orders from the same tab were placed during tip pool segment B, then 75% of tips from the tab will be allocated to segment A and the remaining 25% allocated to segment B. 

Calculation Example 

With Tip Points

If using Arryved Tip Points on a weighted scale, the calculation will be a bit different. Tipped Labor Roles can be assigned different Tip Point values so that each job function can receive various weighted portions of the tip pool rather than all Labor Roles receiving the same tip allotment. If this is the case, the calculation will include the employees’ assigned Tip Point value. 

Calculation Example With Tip Points


It is ultimately up to the establishment on how or if they want to include cash in their tipping process. When using this tip pooling method, common practice is to divide cash tips among employees separately. To get cash tips into this report, you can use the Individual CO button in Arryved Service.

  • Enter the cash tip amount to each cashed out tab via the Individual CO button under the STAFF screen in Arryved Service.

  • Tips will need to be entered to each tab as they are collected. 

Report Example

Related Articles 

Reports With Tips Overview

Tip Points Overview

How To Create Labor Roles

Labor Role Permissions For Arryved Service Overview

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