Connecting Your Epson Epson KDS With Arryved

Connecting Your Epson Epson KDS With Arryved


In this article you will learn how to connect your KDS with Arryved through the Arryved Portal and in Arryved Service. 


  1. You have begun with the KDS Setup Guide.

  2. You completed Step 1 and decided on Single Screen or Multi-screen setup.

  3. You completed Step 2, reviewed the Hardware Checklist, and received your hardware.

  4. You completed Step 3 and set up your hardware with the KDS Hardware Setup (Single Screen) or Hardware Setup (Multi-screen).

  5. You have your status sheet handy with the printer’s IP address.

Connect Your KDS In Arryved Portal

Merchant Peripherals

You will need to complete the following steps for any printers or Expansion Modules you have for your KDS.

  1. In Arryved Portal, navigate to Devices -> Merchant Peripherals.

  2. Click the + at the bottom of the device list to add a new device.

  3. Name the device anything you'd like.

  • For example, KDS Printer, Fry station, Cold Station, Expo, etc.

  1. Enter the device's IP Address in the Device Hardware ID line.

  • For a printer, once it’s connected, turn it on and it will print out a status sheet with the IP address.

  • For an Expansion Module, once it’s connected, turn it on and the IP address will display on the monitor. 

  1. Leave the Type as the default EPSON_IMPACT_V1.

  2. Click Save.

  3. Repeat steps for all printers and Expansion Modules you have.

Default Printers

Here, you will use the default printer matrix to decide which items ordered will be sent to which displays.

  1. In your Arryved Portal, navigate to Location Settings.

  2. Click on Location Preferences.

  3. Scroll to the bottom, past the preferences, to the default printer section. 

  • In this section, each column represents a different category of ticket or display, and each row represents a Venue. The dropdown is the list of Printers or Expansion Modules that those ticket items could be sent to when ordered in that Venue.

  1. Use the dropdowns to assign which printer or display you would like to use for each category of ticket. You can use Stations 1-4 for additional print/display stations. 

  • If using Stations 1-4, contact Arryved Support to activate those for you. 

  • If using a multi-screen setup, you may need additional assistance deciding on default printers/displays. Please contact Arryved if you need help. 

Connect Your KDS In Arryved Service

Once your default printers/displays are set in Arryved Portal, you will sync those defaults in Arryved service.

  1. Open and log into Arryved Service.

  2. Tap STAFF at the top of the screen.

  3. Tap Settings.

  4. Under the Printers section, tap Reset to Defaults.

  • This will make your default printers in Arryved Portal be the defaults in Arryved Service. 

Gut Check!

After all of your hard work setting up your KDS, it is now ready for action! Let's make sure everything is working properly. Send a handful of test orders through your Arryved POS. If it is your first time using Arryved Service, read Starting A New Tab for instructions.

  • See if the orders are appearing on your monitor(s). 

  • See if orders are printing based on your preferences.

  • See if the display and Order Tiles match your preferences.

  • If using multi-screen setup, see if items are appearing on their proper monitor(s) for their designated stations.


You have completed your KDS setup! High Five! Next, you will want to learn how to use the Bump Bar. Please read the Bump Bar Guide.

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