Epson KDS Setup Guide

Epson KDS Setup Guide

What Is a KDS?

A Kitchen Display System, or KDS, replaces traditional paper tickets by digitally displaying kitchen orders on monitors. With a KDS you can create a custom display of tickets, time track orders, and easily manage receipts. This article is the homepage of your setup guide. Follow the steps in order below to install your KDS. Refer back to this main article after each step to ensure you are following the process in the correct order.


If you are interested in installing a KDS in your establishment, please reach out to your Implementation Manager or the Arryved Support team to get started.


  • Touch screen monitors are not supported. 

  • Monitors need to be ethernet wired to your network router. Monitors do not work on WiFi alone. 

  • A PC Windows 7 or higher is required if you need to use the Configuration Utility. Mac not supported. 

  • You can customize color options for your Order Tiles, but color coding based on item types ordered is not available.

  • 13 character limit per line in an Order Tile.

  • Tab Tags cannot be displayed in a KDS. (For example, togo, pick-up, etc.).

  • Does not indicate pick-up times from Arryved Online orders. 

  • Arryved sends data to the KDS, but the KDS does not send data back to Arryved. Reporting in Arryved will pull data from orders sent through Arryved Service as usual. 

Setup Guide 

First, you will decide which type of setup works best for you, then we will help you order, install, and configure the hardware. Lastly, you will sync your KDS with Arryved through the Portal and Service. Please follow the steps below in order. Click on the orange links when instructed. We suggest reading this entire homepage first before beginning on step 1.

Step 1. Deciding On Single Screen Or Multi-screen Setup

In this step, you will decide whether you need a single screen or multi-screen setup. Use the considerations below and give it some thought based on your business needs. 

Considerations For Single Screen Setup

  • One central location for all orders.

  • Less hardware and space needed.

  • Less staff needed to manage screens.

Considerations For Multi-screen Setup

  • Displays can be configured separately based on station needs.

    • Cold stations can display only cold items ordered.

    • Expo can have its own display.

  • More hardware and space needed.

  • Multiple staff members will be managing screens.         

Step 2. Ordering Hardware

Now that you have decided on the best setup for your business, let's get the hardware! Review the hardware checklist and tell your Implementation Manager what you need. Some items you will need to get on your own. 

Step 3. Installation

Once your physical hardware has arrived, choose the next article for setup instructions.

Step 4. Configuration (Optional)

If purchased through Arryved, your hardware will be initially configured by an Arryved Specialist based on the KDS Setup Questionnaire you should have received. If you want to modify your configuration or if your hardware was outsourced, you will need to download and install the Configuration Utility onto your PC. Click the link below for configuration instructions if needed.

*If you want to keep your current configuration, skip this step and continue to Step 5. Connecting Your KDS With Arryved.

  1. KDS Configuration

Step 5. Connecting Your KDS With Arryved

You are almost there! Now that the installation and configuration are complete, all that's left to do is sync with Arryved. Read the next article to continue.

Gut Check!

After all of your hard work setting up your KDS, it is now ready for action! Let's make sure everything is working properly. Send a handful of test orders through your Arryved POS.

  • See if the orders are appearing on your monitor(s). 

  • See if orders are printing based on your preferences.

  • See if the display and Order Tiles match your preferences.

  • If using multi-screen setup, see if items are appearing on their proper monitors for their designated stations. 

Having issues?

Contact Arryved Support:


Once your setup is complete, learn how to manage orders on your monitor(s) with the Bump Bar. 

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